“The Shower Scene” – Brand New
By: David ([email protected])
Tuning: (Drop C)
/ (slide) b (bend) . (palm mute)
All this is in order… pretty simple song by “Brand New” – Awesome band from long island. Rhythm is pretty much written down – awesome song, disappointed nobody tabbed it out, so I decided to. First tab for me… have fun…
Intro x1
(intro continued…)
Verse x2
Chorus x1
Repeat Verse x1
Repeat Chorus x1
After 2nd Chorus: x1
Build Up x1
. . . . . . . . . . . .
-(clean guitar)----|
Sounds pretty close. There are two guitars, but they don’t differ much, so I transposed them into one… “Brand New” is awesome – try “Taking Back Sunday” as well if your into them. Have a good one…
By: David ([email protected])
Tuning: (Drop C)
/ (slide) b (bend) . (palm mute)
All this is in order… pretty simple song by “Brand New” – Awesome band from long island. Rhythm is pretty much written down – awesome song, disappointed nobody tabbed it out, so I decided to. First tab for me… have fun…
Intro x1
(intro continued…)
Verse x2
Chorus x1
Repeat Verse x1
Repeat Chorus x1
After 2nd Chorus: x1
-8---------6--------8---------4-x-| then…
Build Up x1
. . . . . . . . . . . .
-(clean guitar)----|
---5----5---------x| x1
-(heavily distorted guitar)-----------------------------------------------|
--5-5-5-5--1-4---5-5-5-5--1-4-5-4--5-5-5-5--1-4---5-5-5-5--1-4-5-4-xx—xx--| x2
-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5—13-13-| x1
---------------------| |-----------------------------8---|
---------------------| |-----------------------------11--|
---------------------| |-----------------------------10--|
-5---------1---------| |-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5--5-5-5--7--8---| end…
-5--(x16)--1--(x16)--| x4 |-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5--5-5-5--7--8---|
-5---------1---------| |-5-5-5-5--5-5-5-5--5-5-5--7--8---|
Sounds pretty close. There are two guitars, but they don’t differ much, so I transposed them into one… “Brand New” is awesome – try “Taking Back Sunday” as well if your into them. Have a good one…