Chords of Tone: D#

Learn guitar/ukulele chords by Tone: D#

D#augD sharp augmentedIntermediateaugD# G B
D#dimD sharp diminishedIntermediatedimD# F# A
D#º7D sharp diminished seventhAdvancedº7D# F# A C
D#7D sharp dominant seventhAdvanced7D# G A# C#
D#7sus4D sharp dominant seventh suspended fourthIntermediate7sus4D# G# A# C#
D#7sus2D sharp dominant seventh suspended secondIntermediate7sus2D# F A# C#
D#D sharp majorProfessionalmajorD# G A#
D#maj9D sharp major ninthRookiemaj9D# G A# D F
D#maj7D sharp major seventhIntermediatemaj7D# G A# D
D#maj13D sharp major thirteenthRookiemaj13D# G A# D C
D#mD sharp minorProfessionalmD# F# A#
D#m11D sharp minor eleventhIntermediatem11D# F# A# C# G#
D#m9D sharp minor ninthRookiem9D# F# A# C# F
D#m7D sharp minor seventhAdvancedm7D# F# A# C#
D#m7b5D sharp minor seventh flat fiveIntermediatem7b5D# F# A C#
D#m6D sharp minor sixthIntermediatem6D# F# A# C
D#m13D sharp minor thirteenthRookiem13D# F# A# C# C
D#m(maj7)D sharp minor with major seventhRookiem(maj7)D# F# A# D
D#9D sharp ninthIntermediate9D# G A# C# F
D#9b5D sharp ninth flat fiveRookie9b5D# G A C# F
D#9#5D sharp ninth sharp fiveRookie9#5D# G B C# F
D#9sus4D sharp ninth suspended fourthRookie9sus4D# G# A# C# F
D#9sus2D sharp ninth suspended secondRookie9sus2D# F A# C# F
D#5D sharp power chordAdvanced5D# A#
D#7b5D sharp seventh flat fiveIntermediate7b5D# G A C#
D#7#5D sharp seventh sharp fiveRookie7#5D# G B C#
D#6/9D sharp six nineIntermediate6/9D# G A# C F
D#6D sharp sixthIntermediate6D# G A# C
D#sus4D sharp suspended fourthAdvancedsus4D# G# A#
D#sus2D sharp suspended secondAdvancedsus2D# F A#
D#13D sharp thirteenthRookie13D# G A# C# C