Chord/Tab song: Tu guardián

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Tu guardián - ( Juanes Tu Guardin Mi Sangre Escrito por: TMONEYthe1st...)

5 years ago1151Mi sangre (2004) Juanes


Tu Guardin
Mi Sangre


Escrito por: TMONEYthe1st

Tuning: Standard (E A D G B E)

Me encanta esta cancin y me cas de buscar 'tabs' correctos as
los escrib. No estoy segursimo de algunas partes pero este abajo
te da ayuda en aprenderla, y los partes que piensan que no son correctos, puedes arreglarlas.
Si tienes una versin mejor, mndemelo por favor.
Los acordes son correctos pero creo que l usa algunas variaciones
diferentes que estos. La mayora de la cancin es estos tres acordes:

Love this song, couldn't find anything real accurate so elsewhere I wrote what I've got.
I'm unsure about some parts, but the majority is correct. It's in C-Major, so if
you think my solo is off, just mess around in that
key (C D E G F A B C) until you get it to sound like you think it should.
If there are parts that are inaccurate here that you figure out, please
send them to me.
The chords themselves are correct but in parts I'm pretty sure he uses different variations.
You'll use these 3 chords throughout
the majority of the song:

Cmaj Fmaj7/C(?) Gmaj

|--0--| |--0--| |----0---|
|--1--| |--1--| |-3(1,0)-|
|--0--| |--2--| |----0---|
|--2--| |--3--| |----0---|
|--3--| |--3--| |----2---|
|--x--| |--x--| |----3---|

Intro: Cmaj, Fmaj7/C, Cmaj:


[C]Durmete [F]pronto mi [C]amor, [F]que la noche ya [C]lleg
[C]y cierra tus [F]ojos que [C]yo [F]de tus sueos cu[C]idar
[C]siempre a tu l[F]ado estar[C], [C]y tu g[F]uardin yo ser[C]
[Gmaj]toda la vida

Despues del primer verso:

|--10-----12 ---12/14~------------------------10--|

Esta noche te prometo... : Gmaj-Fmaj/C-Cmaj


|-------9-12--12h14-12~---------9-12--9h10-9~ -----|
|------------------8-------------//13-12-10 ----------|
|--------------------10-9------------------ 9-9/12 ---|

| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ let ring
| + harmonic
| x mute note

Chords List
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Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211

Chord: Tu guardián - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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