Albums của nghệ sĩ: Illdisposed

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Illdisposed is a death metal band from Aarhus, Denmark that was formed in 1991 by vocalist Bo Summer and guitarist Lasse Bak. As of 2017, the band consists of vocalist Bo Summer, guitarists Jakob Batten and Ken Holst, bassist Kussen and drummer Rasmus Schmidt. Since the beginning of the 90’s Illdisposed have been one of the top bands of the Nordic death metal scene and have released 13 albums and 2 EP’s. Illdisposed have developed their own form of death metal with groovy rhythms, melodic but still hard hitting riffs and a massive wall of sound with a unique subwoofer vocal in focus.

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1-800 Vindication (2004)
5 years ago0 Views1 Bài hát