Albums list of artist: David Rovics

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David Rovics

David Rovics
a few seconds ago0 Views 169502 songs2 albums

David Rovics (born April 10, 1967) is an American indie singer/songwriter and anarchist. His music concerns topical subjects such as the 2003 Iraq war, anti-globalization and social justice issues. Rovics has been an outspoken critic of former President George W. Bush, the Republican Party, John Kerry, and the Democratic Party. Rovics is critical of the United States government’s policies and claims that the "U.S. government’s foreign policy represents U.S. corporate interests" and that "the U.S. government does not like democracy either at home or abroad."Although some of Rovics’ work is not self-published, and much of it is commercially distributed, Rovics has made all of his recorded music freely available as downloadable mp3 files. He encourages the free distribution of his work by all non-profit means to promote his work and spread political messages, and speaks out against websites or programs like iTunes that charge money for downloading his songs. Rovics has also advocated the performing of his songs at protests and demonstrations and has made his sheet music and lyrics available for download.

Home page:
Everything Can Change (2013)
4 years ago0 Views1 songs
Other Songs
3 years ago0 Views1 songs