Chord/Tab song: Twa Corbies

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Twa Corbies - ( One of my favourite songs. It features Maddy Prior on lea...)

One of my favourite songs. It features Maddy Prior on lead vocals and Gay Woods on
backing vocals. It was first recorded by them in 1970 for Hark! The Village Wait and then
again in 1995 as "Corbies" for their album Time.

Intro: Em D Em

[Em]As I was walking a[D]ll al[Em]ane
[Em]I heard twa corbies ma[D]kin' m[Em]ane;
And one on[G]tae the other did s[D]ay,
[Em]?Where shall we gang and d[D]ine the d[Em]ay
[Em]Where shall we gang and d[D]ine the d[Em]ay'

[Em]?In behind yon o[D]ul fail d[Em]yke
[Em]I wot there lies a n[D]ew slain kn[Em]ight;
And naebody k[G]ens that he lies th[D]ere
But his h[Em]awk and his hound and his la[D]dy f[Em]air,
[Em]His hawk and his hound and his l[D]ady f[Em]air.?

[Em]His hawk is tae the hu[D]nting g[Em]ane,
[Em]His hound to fetch the wil[D]dfowl h[Em]ane;
His lady has ta[G]ken another m[D]ate
[Em]So we can make our di[D]nner s[Em]weet,
[Em]We can make our di[D]nner sw[Em]eet?

[Em]?You can sit on his wh[D]ite breast b[Em]one
[Em]And I'll pick out his b[D]onny blue e[Em]en;
And with a l[G]ock of his yellow h[D]air
[Em]We'll theek our nest when [G]it grows b[Em]are,
[Em]We'll theek our nest when [G]it grows b[Em]are.?

[Em]?And many's a one for h[D]im makes m[Em]ane
[Em]Naebody kens where [D]he has g[Em]ane;
Through his white b[G]ones when they grow b[D]are
[Em]The wind shall blow for [D]everma[Em]re,
[Em]The wind shall blow for [D]everma[Em]re.?

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: Twa Corbies - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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