Hợp âm - tab: Toe Rag - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Toe Rag - ( This is my first attempt but let me know what you think. ...)

This is my first attempt but let me know what you think. I have taken this from a
recent acoustic gig I saw with just Joel and Luke.

Capo 5th Fret

[G]Walk out of the door and make my way up the street
[G]Cold wind in my eyes runs a tear down my cheek
[EM]Not a soul to be heard so no point to complain
[EM]At least the sound of the birds compensates for the rain
[G]Hit the queue for the bus and then join the line
[G]Same faces for the last ten years of my life
[EM]See I'm bored of my friends I couldn't tell you their names
[EM]Shattered glass on the floor the kids have run out of gam[G]es

[G]And I don't see that's ever gonna cha[EM]nge

[G]One hour passes till I'm back on my feet
[G]A stone's throw I will be walking till I'm off the street
[EM]Hang my coat to dry, settle down with the herd
[EM]Some I really don't mind, some just get on my nerves
[G]Turn my back to the clock cause it slows the time
[G]Take out a cigarette and hear the match strike
[EM]Turn the radio on to drown the sound of the rain
[EM]Same bands same songs play again and again

[G]And I don't see that's ever gonna cha[EM]nge

[C]Tell me [D]I'm not r[EM]ight say what you l[C]ike I[D]'m miles aw[EM]ay
[C]And expect nothing changing e[D]xcept for the name of the d[G]ay.

[G]From my place of work I move away in haste
[G]Time there moves slow but rushes when I'm away
[EM]Pass a girl from my school the conversation's brief
[EM]Gotta catch that train, get myself some relief
[G]I meet up with friends and they knock off at six
[G]I get in at five and walk about for a bit
[EM]Watch the world go by through an empty glass
[EM]And I know that won't be the last 'so'

[C]Tell me [D]I'm not r[EM]ight say what you l[C]ike I[D]'m miles aw[EM]ay
[C]And expect nothing changing e[D]xcept for the name of the d[G]ay.


[G]Creep back into bed and I pull up the sheet
[G]High over my head and undercover my feet
[EM]Till the room goes dark and i'm miles away
[EM]Jump to the alarm and start another day!

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Hợp âm: Toe Rag - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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