Hợp âm - tab: To Beat the Devil - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: To Beat the Devil - ( Intro G ||x4 -----3-----------| -----0-----------| ----...)

G ||x4


Verse 1 (spoken)
It was w[G]inter time in Nashville, down on m[C]usic city row[G]
And I was lookin' for a place to get[D] myself out of the cold
[C] To warm the fr[D]ozen feelin' that was[G] eatin' at my s[Em]oul
[C] And keep the chilly wind off my guitar[D]

[G] My thirsty wanted whisky,[C] my hungry needed b[G]eans
[G] But it'd been of month of paydays since I've h[D]eard that eagle scream
[C] So with my stomach full of [D]empty[G] and a pocket full of dr[Em]eams
[C] I left my pr[D]ide and stepped inside a b[G]ar

[Em] Actually I guess you could call it a Tavern
[C] Cigarette smoke to the c[Am]eiling and sawdust on the floor[D]
Friendly shadows[G]

I saw that there was just one old man[C] sittin' at the bar[G]
And in the mirror I could see him checkin' me and[D] my guitar
[C] He turned and said [D]"Come up here boy and[G] show us what you are"[Em]
[C] I said "I'm dry" and he brought me a b[D]eer

[G] He nodded at my guitar and said [C]"It's a tough life, ain't it"[G]
I just looked at him, and he said "You a[D]in't makin' any money, are ya?"
[C] I said "You've been readin' my m[D]ail".[G] He just smiled and said
Let me s[Em]ee your guitar,[C] I've got something you want to hear.[G]
Then he laid it on me
If you w[G]aste your time a talkin' to the p[C]eople who don't listen
To the th[G]ings that you are sayin', who do y[D]ou think's gonna hear
And if y[G]ou should die explaining how the th[C]ings that they complain about
Are th[G]ings they could be changin' who do y[D]ou think's gonna care[G]
There were [D]other lonely singers in a w[C]orld turned deaf and bl[G]ind
Who were crucified for what they tried to sh[D]ow
And their v[G]oices have been scattered by the sw[C]irling winds of t[G]ime
Cause the truth remains that n[D]o one wants to kn[G]ow

Verse 2 (spoken)
Well, the [G]old man was a stranger, but I'd he[C]ard his song before[G]
Back when failure had me locked out on the wr[D]ong side of the door
[C] When no one stood beh[D]ind me but my[G] shadow on the floo[Em]r
[C] And lonesome was more than a state of mind[D]

[G] You see, the devil haunts a hungry man[C][G]
If you don't wanna join him you got to b[D]eat him
[C] I ain't sayin' I b[D]eat the devil[G] [Em] but I drank his beer for nothing
[C] [D] Then I stole his s[G]ong

And you st[G]ill can hear me singin' to the p[C]eople who don't listen
To the th[G]ings that I am sayin' prayin' s[D]omeone?s gonna hear
And I g[G]uess I'll die explaining how the th[C]ings that they complain about
Are th[G]ings they could be changin' hopin' s[D]omeone?s gonna c[G]are
I was b[D]orn a lowly singer, and I'm b[C]ound to die the s[G]ame
But I've g[C]ot to feed the h[G]unger in my s[D]oul
And if I n[G]ever have a nickel I won't [C]ever die ash[G]amed
Cause I don't believe that n[D]o one wants to kn[G]ow

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o

Hợp âm: To Beat the Devil - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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