Chord/Tab song: The spirit carries on

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The spirit carries on - (Wher[C]e did we come from? W[Em]hy are we here? Wher[F]e do ...)

2 years ago730 Rock Dream Theater
Wher[C]e did we come from?
W[Em]hy are we here?
Wher[F]e do we go when we di[C]e? [Bm]
Wh[Am]at lies beyond? Wh[C]at lay before?
Is [D]anything certain in lif[G]e?
They say lif[C]e is too short
the her[Em]e and the now
and yo[F]u`re only given one sh[C]ot [Bm]
But [Am]could there be more?
Have [C]I lived before?
Or coul[D]d this be all that we`ve g[G]ot?
If [F]I die tom[G]orrow
I`d be all rig[C]ht beca[Bm]use I belie[Am]ve
that [G]after we`re go[F]ne
the [Dm]spirit c[G]arries o[C]n..
[C] [Em] [F] [Dm] [C] [Em] [F] [G]
I u[C]sed to be frightened of d[Em]ying
I u[F]sed to think death was the [C]end [Bm]
B[Am]ut that was before, I`m not sc[C]ared anymore
I kn[D]ow that my soul will transce[G]nd
I ma[C]y never find all the an[Em]swers
I ma[F]y never understand w[C]hy [Bm]
I [Am]may never prove what I kn[C]ow to be true
but I kn[D]ow that I still have to t[G]ry..
If [F]I die tom[G]orrow
I`d be all rig[C]ht beca[Bm]use I belie[Am]ve
that [G]after we`re go[F]ne,
the [Dm]spirit c[G]arries o[C]n..[C7]
Mo[Dm]ve on, be brave!
Don`t w[C#]eep at my grave!
becaus[C]e I`m no longer her[D]e
But ple[F]ase never let
your m[Dm]emory of me disapp[Am]ear
[Am] [G#] [G] [D] [F] [G] (x2)
[C] [Bm] [Am] [G] [F] [G] [Am] [F] [Dm] [Bb] [G]
Saf[C]e in the light that surro[Em]unds me
Fre[F]e of the fear and the pa[C]in [Bm]
The qu[Am]estion in mind has h[C]elped me to find
the me[D]aning in my life aga[G]in..
Vict[C]oria`s real! I f[Em]inally feel
at pe[F]ace with the girl in my drea[C]ms [Bm]
And n[Am]ow that I`m here, it`s p[C]erfectly clear
I`ll [D]find out what all of this mea[G]ns
If [F]I die tom[G]orrow
I`d be all rig[C]ht beca[Bm]use I belie[Am]ve
that [G]after we`re go[F]ne
the [Dm]spirit c[G]arries o[C]n..
[C] [Em] [F] [Dm] [C] [Em] [F] [G] (x2) [C]

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