Hợp âm - tab: The Gift - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: The Gift - ( by The Jam intro: A, D [A]Move - M[D]oove - I've got th...)

5 years ago821The Gift (1982) The Jam
by The Jam

intro: A, D

[A]Move - M[D]oove - I've got th[A]e gift of[D] life
[A]Can't you [D]see in the [A]twinkle of my [D]eyes
[A]I can't st[D]and up and [A]I can't sit [D]down
[A]I gotta keep [D]movin', I[A] gotta keep m[D]ovin'

[Fm]All the time that gets w[E]asted hating
[Fm]Why don't you move together and make your [E]heart feel better

[A]Groove - [D]Groove - to the [A]beat of this [D]drum
[A]Feel it the [D]wind and the [A]warmth of the [D]sun
[A]Don't sit [D]down and [A]don't stand [D]up
[A]Keep on [D]movin' - [A]Keep on [D]movin'

[Fm]Think of your future and [E]make it grow
[Fm]Why don't you move together and make your h[E]eart feel better

A, D x 4

[Fm]Take a pinch of white and [E]pinch of black
[Fm]Mix it together and make your h[E]eart feel better

(ad lib shouting) A, D to palm mute

break - solo --------------------------------------------------------|

[Fm]Take a pinch of white and p[E]inch of black
[Fm]Tell you to move together and make your [E]heart feel better

[A]Move - [D]Move - we got the [A]gift of [D]life
[A]Go and s[D]hout it from your r[A]oof mountain [D]top
[A]Give it to me o[D]nce and g[A]ive it to me [D]twice
[A]We gotta keep [D]movin' - w[A]e gotta keep [D]movin'


[A]Take a man from the [D]east, a[A] man from the [D]west
[A]Put 'em t[D]ogether, Can you [A]tell the d[D]ifference?!!

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: The Gift - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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