Hợp âm - tab: Streams of Nancy - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Streams of Nancy - ( Oh, the s[F]treams of lovely [C]Nancy di[F]vide in three ...)

Oh, the s[F]treams of lovely [C]Nancy di[F]vide in three [F]parts,
Where the [Bb]young men and [F]maidens they [C]meet their sweet[C]hearts.
It's the [F]drinking of good [C]liquor that m[F]akes my heart s[F]ing,
and the n[Bb]oise in the v[F]alley made the [C]rocks for to [F]ring.

At the [F]top of this [C]mountain, my [F]loves castle [F]stands
and it's [Bb]overbuilt with [F]ivory on [C]yonder black [C]sand.
Fine [F]arches, fine [C]porches like d[F]iamonds so [F]bright,
It's a [Bb]beacon for a [F]sailor on a [C]dark winters [F]night.

On [F]yonder high [C]mountain the [F]wild fowl do [F]fly,
and it's [Bb]running a[F]mongst them that f[C]lies very [C]high.
If [F]I had her in [C]my arms, near [F]diamonds black [F]lamp,
How [Bb]soon I would [F]secure her by the [C]slight of my [F]hand.

At the [F]base of this [C]mountain a r[F]iver runs c[F]lear,
And a s[Bb]hip from the In[F]dies it o[C]nce anchored t[C]here.
With [F]red flags a-[C]flying and the b[F]eating of her [F]drum,
sweet i[Bb]nstruments of [F]music and the fi[C]ring of her [F]gun.

Oh the s[F]treams of lovely [C]Nancy di[F]vide in three p[F]arts,
Where the [Bb]young men and m[F]aidens they [C]meet their sweeth[C]earts.
It's the d[F]rinking of good [C]liquor that m[F]akes my heart s[F]ing,
and the n[Bb]oise in the v[F]alley made the r[C]ocks for to r[F]ing.

Danh sách hợp âm
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Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bb1fr2fr3fr4frx13331

Hợp âm: Streams of Nancy - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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