Chord/Tab song: See You Next Summer

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: See You Next Summer - ( Your guitar has to be in standard tuning and you have to ...)

Your guitar has to be in standard tuning and you have to put a Capo on the third fret.
here's how it goes(I put the chords over the lyrics to help with the timing):

Guitar chord Intro: G, D, G, C G, D, C, G

Verse 1
[G] so who's been[D] calling you?
[G] does he live[C] far away?
does that ma[G]tter a[D]t a[C]ll? [G]

[G] what do you two[D] talk about?
[G] that we don't[C] talk about
is there anythi[G]ng that y[D]ou'd like to s[C]ay?

Cause th[G]is is the l[C]ast time I[D]'m gonna w[G]orry
This is the l[C]ast time I've wh[D]istled this t[G]une
Cause if you go n[C]ow, I'll s[D]ee you next su[G]mmer
C D G D G, D, G, C G, D, C, G
So say goodbye to June

Verse 2
[G] I bet you [D]tell him how
[G] Last summer s[C]pent with me
Doesn't m[G]atter to a[D]nyone at a[C]ll

[G] There's no more[D] looking back
[G] So I will t[C]urn my head
with the f[G]eeling like I'm m[D]arching off to w[C]ar

Cause th[G]is is the l[C]ast time I[D]'m gonna wo[G]rry
This is the l[C]ast time I've w[D]histled this t[G]une
Cause if you go n[C]ow, I'll s[D]ee you next sum[G]mer
C D G D G, D, G, C G, D, C, G x2
So say goodbye to June

Repeat intro chords twice, and at the end of the second time just play the chorus again.
This time the chorus has different lyrics at the end but just keep playing the song the
same way and you should be fine. Great song. I f you have any questions about this or
any other PP song just ask me.

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: See You Next Summer - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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