Hợp âm - tab: Rose Mary Stretch - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Rose Mary Stretch - ( E E A A E E A A E E A A C#m C#m A A C#m E A A x2 [E]Oh [...)

E E A A E E A A E E A A C#m C#m A A C#m E A A x2

[E]Oh [A]no, the ki[E]tchen is cl[A]osed
If [E]I feel it c[A]oming round, [C#m]I?ll see it [A]go
[E]Oh, s[A]top wor[E]rying about [A]it, the mor[E]tgage is p[A]aid yeah the m[C#m]oneys well sp[A]ent
[C#m]Ohh o[A]oh[C#m] oh [E]oh [A]oh

And I will w[E]atch y[A]ou go [C#m]down to the d[E]ark p[A]lace of the p[C#m]arty
And s[E]top th[A]ere, w[C#m]atch out for y[E]our f[A]ace to pe[C#m]rspire

E A C#m x4

[E]Go [A]on tel[E]ling [A]me that [E]I don?t need a j[A]ob or a c[C#m]ollege de[A]gree
[E]Throw [A]up your c[E]aps and your go[A]wns,
You?re s[E]ht out of l[A]uck you?re never le[C#m]aving this t[A]own

[E]Pay a[A]lms to y[E]our family tr[A]ee they?ve g[E]iven you ever[A]ything y[C#m]ou?ll ever n[A]eed
[E]Don?t take c[A]are and d[E]on?t even wr[A]ite
You?ll ne[E]ver see my f[A]ace again [C#m]after to[A]night
[C#m]Ohh o[A]oh[C#m] oh [E]oh [A]oh

E A C#m x6

And I will w[E]atch y[A]ou go [C#m]down to the d[E]ark p[A]lace of the p[C#m]arty
And s[E]top th[A]ere, w[C#m]atch out for y[E]our f[A]ace to pe[C#m]rspire
Take everyth[E]ing t[A]hat I [C#m]ever l[E]ent [A]to your c[C#m]loset
I?ll b[E]urn a[A]ll your ha[C#m]ngings aro[E]und and th[A]rew out the l[C#m]ocket

E A E A E A C#m A x2

Danh sách hợp âm
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Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C#m1fr2fr3fr4frxx213o

Hợp âm: Rose Mary Stretch - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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