Chord/Tab song: Quits

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Quits - ( Quits by Bill Anderson [(1971)] We [A]couldn't call it lo...)

by Bill Anderson
We [A]couldn't call it love
Cause it r[D]eally wasn't love anym[A]ore
Yet we couldn't call it hate 'cause there's n[D]o way to hate
Someone you've l[A]oved s[E]o much [A]before
We couldn't call it l[E]ivin' 'cause it w[C]asn't still alive
We [D]couldn't call it dead 'cause [E]it refused to die
We ran out of anything to call it so we called it [A]quits.
[D]Quits, quits, we called it q[A]uits
It sounds like the e[D]asy way [A]out but o[D]h, when it h[A]its
The longer you l[E]ive with someo[A]ne you can't l[D]ive with
[A]The h[D]arder it g[A]ets
We c[E]alled it magic then we called it tragic
Finally we called it q[A]uits.
It's always been harder to f[D]all out of love than fall [A]in
I don't know where I'm goin'
But I d[D]oubt if I'll ever forg[A]et wh[E]ere I've b[A]een
We couldn't call it h[E]appy though it w[A]as for a while
We c[D]ouldn't call it sad 'cause it t[E]aught us both to smile
For luck, for a better word to call it, we called it q[A]uits.
Quits, quits, we called it quits
It sounds like the easy way out but oh, when it hits
The longer you live with someone you can't live with
The harder it gets
We called it lovely then we called it lonely
Finally we called it quits.
We called it magic then we called it tragic
Finally we called it quits...

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: Quits - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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