Chord/Tab song: Mystery Disease

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Mystery Disease - ( MGMT (2013) - Mystery Disease Note: The chord written as...)

5 years ago936MGMT (2013) MGMT
MGMT (2013) - Mystery Disease

Note: The chord written as an "C/E" is actually meant to be an
E minor chord with an added minor sixth (not replacing the fifth),
but I do not know a way to write such chord, so "C/E" will have to do.
Bear it in mind when playing the song though.

Intro: C/E - Em - B7 - Bm7
[C/E] [-] [Em] [-] [Bm7] [-] [Em]
[C/E] It can't pay at[Em]tention
[B7]What slips into the [Bm7]system
A light [C/E]touch, a whisper that [Em]puts you to sleep
[Bm7]Don't sympathize with the [Em]mystery disease

[C/E] All it is is a [Em]feeling
[B7]Pain in a dress too re[Bm7]vealing
A lost [C/E]bond, an old friend who [Em]likes what it sees
You c[Bm7]an't shake off the [Em]mystery disease

C/E - Em - B7 - Bm7 - C/E - Em - Bm7 - Em

[C/E] Lovers in a pa[Em]st life
[B7]Meet in the street close to midnight[Bm7]
A last lo[C/E]ok, sweet like the end of a[Em] dream
Then fall[Bm7] back into the myster[Em]y disease

[C/E] Go on, tell your [Em]symptoms to me
It's[B7] not in any of the books[Bm7] you can read
It's no fu[C/E]n to face what you don't get[Em] to be
But wh[Bm7]at's one more to the mystery di[Em]sease?

C/E - Em - B7 - Bm7 - C/E - Em - Bm7 - Em
C/E - Em - B7 - Bm7 - C/E - Em - Bm7 - Em

[C/E] Floating impati[Em]ence
[B7]Snuffs my limited sapie[Bm7]nce
Black smo[C/E]ke as soon as the pressure's rele[Em]ased
[Bm7]Deep space sighs, the Mystery [Em]Disease

[C/E] Consumed by a weakness[Em]
[B7]Cut with perpetual unrest[Bm7]
You see star[C/E]s, sunsets blurred th[Em]rough a screen
[Bm7]Trap what you want, waste wh[Em]at you need

[C/E] And when the west wind sweeps throu[Em]gh the leaves
[B7]Emperors of history fall to[Bm7] their knees
Small fro[C/E]nds can't see the wood for th[Em]e trees
[Bm7]Left in the dust of the myste[Em]ry disease

C/E - Em - B7 - Bm7 - C/E - Em - Bm7 - Em

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm71fr2fr3fr4frx2o3o4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B71fr2fr3fr4frx213o4

Chord: Mystery Disease - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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