Hợp âm - tab: Lift Me Up - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Lift Me Up - ( I tried RubyMatilda's version, and it didn't seem right t...)

5 years ago2157Winterwell (2013) Mree
I tried RubyMatilda's version, and it didn't seem right to me. I am a beginner, so it's
obviously not that accurate, but I tried listening and matching my version with the
song..and it seems to work pretty well. Its easy to sing along with, that's for sure.
Let me know if it helps, or if it needs proper correcting!


Capo on 4th fret (depending if you can sing that high)


[C] [-] [Em] [-] [Am]
[C] [-] [Em] [-] [Am]
Verse 1

You [C]come around and [Em]make the seasons c[Am]hange

You [C]come around and [Em]leave the way you c[Am]ame

You [C]come around and [Em]wipe the tears a[Am]way

You make me want to [G]give my [Em]heart a[Am]way

The [C]way you speak and [Em]ease me without [Am]words

And [C]when you're gone it [Em]makes me toss and [Am]turn

You [C]come around and[Em] make sure that it [Am]hurts

Make sure that it [G]hurts when [Em]you're aw[Am]ay


[C]Here [Em]among the c[Am]louds

[C]We are [Em]safe and s[Am]ound

You lift me [C]up[Em][Am]

You lift me [C]up[Em][Am]

Verse 2

You [C]come around and [Em]light up e[Am]verything

You [C]stun me with your [Em]smile and all you b[Am]ring

You [C]come around and [Em]make me want to s[Am]ing

Make me want to [G]sing my [Em]fears aw[Am]ay


[C]Here a[Em]mong the c[Am]louds

[C]We are [Em]safe and [Am]sound

You lift me [C]up[Em][Am]

You lift me [C]up[Em][Am]


Lift me [C]up[Em][Am]

Lift me [C]up[Em][Am]

Lift me [C]up[Em][Am]

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Lift Me Up - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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