Hợp âm - tab: Lawrence, KS - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Lawrence, KS - ( By Josh Ritter chords figured out by Matt Rowley Capo 3...)

By Josh Ritter

chords figured out by Matt Rowley

Capo 3rd fret

intro G

[G]Dirt roads and dryland farming might be the death of me
but I c[C]an't leave this world be[G]hind
[G]My debts are not like prisons where there's hope of getting free
and I c[C]an't leave this world be[G]hind

[D]Now I've been from here to Lawrence Kan[C]sas
[D]trying to leave my state of m[C]ind
[D]trying to leave this awful s[C]adness
but I can't leave this world [G]behind.

[G]South of Delia there's a patch out back the willow trees
but I c[C]an't leave this world be[G]hind
[G]It's a fenced-in piece of nothing where I hear voices on my knees
and I c[C]an't leave this world be[G]hind

[D]Some prophecies are self-ful[C]filling
[D]I've had to work for all of mi[C]ne
[D]better times will come to me, Go[C]d-willing
Cause I can't leave this world[G] behind.

(Accordian/guitar duet solor... fade)

[G]Well this world must be frightening everybody's on the run
and I c[C]an't leave this world be[G]hind
[G]My house is a wooden one and it's built on a wooden one
seems I c[C]an't leave this world b[G]ehind

[D]Preacher says that when the master c[C]alls us
[D]He's gonna give us wings to fl[C]y
[D]But my wings are made of hay and c[C]orn husks
So I can't leave this world be[G]hind.

Danh sách hợp âm
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Hợp âm: Lawrence, KS - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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