Hợp âm - tab: John Deere Tractor - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: John Deere Tractor - ( John Deere Tractor - The Judds Capo 5th fret A x02220 ...)

John Deere Tractor - The Judds

Capo 5th fret

A x02220
A7 x02020
Asus x02230
B x24442(bar chord) or xx4442
B7 x24242(bar chord) or x21202
C x32010
C9 x32030
C#7 x46464(bar chord)
D xx0232
D/C# x40232
D9/B x20230
D9/C x30230
E 022100
E7 020100
F# 244322(bar chord)
F#7 242322(bar chord)
G 320003
G/F# 200030

Intro: D D/C# D9/B Asus (x2) D C9-D

[D]Dear M[D/C#]ama, [D9/C]well here's a letter from your g[G]irl
[G/F#] Well I t[G]hink my city days are d[D]one gone
And it a[C9]in't been three w[G]eeks since I c[D]ame[C9-D]
[D]And M[D/C#]ama, [D9/C]I do remember what you[G] said
[G/F#] Say your p[G]rayers before you go to b[D]ed child
And rem[C9]ember city bo[G]ys ain't the sa[D]me

Chorus 1:
Unlike a J[C9]ohn Deere Tractor in a h[G]alf acre field
[B7]Tryin' to plow a furrow where the s[E]oil is made of st[E7]eel
How I w[A]ish I was h[D]ome mom where the b[A]lue grass is g[D]rowin'
And the s[A]weet country b[E]oys don't compl[A]a--[A7]in

(repeat intro)

[D]And [D/C#]mama, [D9/C]so much perfume I thought I'd dr[G]own
[G/F#] And the L[G]ord didn't seem to be nowh[D]ere around
Hey, I f[C9]elt just like a f[G]lower from the v[D]ine

Chorus 2:
Unlike a J[C9]ohn Deere Tractor in a h[G]alf acre field
[B7]Tryin' to plow a furrow where the s[E]oil is made of st[E7]eel
How I'd l[A]ike to be h[D]ome mom where the b[A]lue grass is g[D]rowin'
[A] [E] [A] [A7] [C] [A]

And the fire light shimmers and it shi------nes

Chorus 3: (key change then fades out)
I'd like a J[D]ohn Deere Tractor in a h[A]alf acre field
[C#7]Tryin' to plow a furrow where the s[F#]oil is made of st[F#7]eel
How I w[B]ish I was h[E]ome mom where the b[B]lue grass is g[E]rowin'
And the s[B]weet country b[F#]oys don't compl[B]a--[B7]in

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Hợp âm: John Deere Tractor - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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