Hợp âm - tab: Like Real People Do - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Like Real People Do - ( (Verse) I had a th[G]ought, dear However sc[G]ary About t...)

5 years ago4531Hozier (2014) Hozier
I had a th[G]ought, dear
However sc[G]ary
About that n[Bm]ight
The bugs and the d[C]irt
Why were you dig[G]ging?
What did you b[G]ury
Before those h[Bm]ands pulled me
From the ea[C]rth?

I will not a[G]sk you where you came from
I will not [Bm]ask and neither should y[C]ou
Honey just p[G]ut your sweet lips on [G]my lips
We should just k[C]iss like real people [G]do

I knew that l[G]ook dear
Eyes always see[G]king
Was there in so[Bm]meone
That dug long a[C]go
So I will not a[G]sk you
Why you were cre[G]eping
In some sad [Bm]way I already k[C]now

So I will not a[G]sk you where you came from
I will not [Bm]ask and neither should y[C]ou
Honey just p[G]ut your sweet lips on [G]my lips
We should just k[C]iss like real people [G]do

I could not a[G]sk you where you came from
I could not [Bm]ask and neither could y[C]ou
Honey just p[G]ut your sweet lips on [G]my lips
We could just k[C]iss like real people [G]do

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Hợp âm: Like Real People Do - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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