Hợp âm - tab: If I Could Fly - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: If I Could Fly - ( By : CHIBIABOS, [email protected] Intro: (Em, Am, D)...)

4 years ago750 Boy George
By : CHIBIABOS, [email protected]

Intro: (Em, Am, D) x 2

[Em]Stone by the river got no [Am]wind in my [D]sail
[Em]No revolutions in my [Am]sou[D]l
[Em]Hey revelations just a [Am]moment [D]away
Soon I?m gonna be [C]old
Soon you are gonna be [D]old

[Em]Remember love is not som[Am]ething you can [D]keep
[Em]It just takes the wind to blow it [Am]away[D]
[Em]You look so ugly as you [Am]lie there as[D]leep
Boy you?re pretty to[C]day
So pretty to[D]day

When I was [Am]born the poisoned my [Em]mind
They told me to f[Am]ight but I?m not that [Em]kind
They said I was [Am]meek but I did not [Em]mind
It?s a case of the [Am]weak leaving me [Em]blind[D]

[Em]I see the stars have spelt your [Am]name in the s[D]ky
[Em]I wrote it too down here on the s[m]and[D]
[Em]When I first met you, you stirred [Am]nothing at[D] all
See the cards in your [C]hand, see the cards in your [D]hand

[C]Oh If I could [G]fly
I say [C]Oh If I could [G]fly, and don?t you [C]know that If I could [G]fly
Am Am, Am, Am, G-D
I?d take to the sky

[Em]I feel so special when I?m [Am]making you [D]cry
[Em]I regret the things I throw in your [Am]face? I [D]do
[Em]This drug will kill you darling [Am]this is no [D]lie
This Dragon we [C]chase
This Dragon we [D]chase

When I was [Am]born the poisoned my [Em]mind
They told me to f[Am]ight but I?m not that [Em]kind
They said I was [Am]meek but I did not [Em]mind
It?s a case of the [Am]weak fooling me [Em]blind[D]

[C]Oh If I could [G]fly
I say [C]Oh If I could [G]fly, and don?t you [C]know that If I could [G]fly
Am Am, Am, Am, G-D
I?d take to the sky

[C]Oh If I could [G]fly
I say [C]Oh If I could [G]fly, and don?t you [C]know that If I could [G]fly
Am Am, Am, Am, G-D.... Em
I?d take to the sky

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: If I Could Fly - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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