Hợp âm - tab: Heartache Avenue - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Heartache Avenue - ( Heartache avenue The Maisonettes Keith Hoban [G] [F] [G]...)

5 years ago1149 The Maisonettes
Heartache avenue The Maisonettes Keith Hoban

[G] [F] [G] [F]
I've found a place to live - I got it the hard way
[G]a permanent a[F]ddress to[G] give - I got it for [F]always.
[Em]nobody can t[G]ear me loose th[C]ey tell me there's no es[D]cape

On Heartache avenue

[G] [F][G][F]

[G] [F] [G] [F]
I live alone rent free there's nothing to pay here
O[G]ne thing you n[F]eed to [G]be if you want to s[F]tay here.
[Em]so lonely yo[G]u can't pretend t[C]hat you're a true res[D]ident

On Heartache avenue.

[G] [F][G][F]

[A]Leave me al[E]one 'cos I'm h[G]ere where I bel[D]ong.
[A]I feel at h[E]ome on the str[G]eet where love i[D]s gone.
it?s a hard luc[C]k story of Heartache a[D]venue

On Heartache avenue.

[G] [F][G][F]

[G]There's always [F]room t[G]o let 'cos nobody [F]goes there.
[G]One thing you n[F]eed to[G] get a ticket to[F] nowhere:
[Em]No money no credit[G] cards - t[C]he price is one broken h[D]eart

On Heartache avenue
On Heartache avenue
On Heartache avenue

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Heartache Avenue - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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