Hợp âm - tab: Good to Go - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Good to Go - ( Jason Aldean - Good to go Intro - G - Bm - Cadd9 (Ve...)

Jason Aldean - Good to go

Intro - G - Bm - Cadd9

(Verse 1)
[G]Waitin at a stop light yesterday,
as a [Bm]funeral persession made it's way[Cadd9] through the gates,
I [G]watched it roll up a winding road,
through a [Bm]field of green of white head stone[Cadd9]s all in a row,

And it [Am7]made me think about where I'm at,
On my [Bm]not so straight and narrow path,
All the [Cadd9]generous and mostly undeserved[D] blessings that I've had,

I had an [G]all-American mom and dad,
Some of the [D]coolest freinds you could ever have,
Found [F]love I thought I'd never find,
Sometimes I c[C]an't believe this life is mine,
And[G] I'm not planin on leavin yet,
But the[D] truth is you just never know,
and [F]if this is as good as it gets,
[C]Man I think I'm good to g[G]o[-][Bm]
I'm good to g[F]o[-][G]

(verse 2)
I said a prayer for the dearly departed,
And the loved ones left broken hearted the traffic started,
And I drove away a little more able,
to see the good things on my table and, that I'm grateful,

Cause [Am7]I've had my troubles had my trials,
I playe[Bm]d the market and missed by a mile,
Had[Cadd9] days I've been fightin mad,
but the good[D] times have more than out weighted the bad,

Got to[G] hold my newborn baby girl,
and the[D] hand of a man as he slipped from this world,
I've l[F]aughed so hard I couldn't stop,
Seen the [C]sun rise from a mountain top,
And now[G] I'm not planin on leavin yet,
But the[D] truth is you just never know,
and [F]if this is as good as it gets,
[C]Man I think I'm good to [G]go[-],[Bm]
I'm good to g[F]o[-][C]

Yea [Am7]I've been thinking about where I'm at,
On my[Bm] not so straight and narrow path,
And I,[Cadd9] wouldn't wanna change nothing bout this,
[D]Roll with the punches life I've had

I had an [G]all-American mom and dad,
Some of the [D]coolest freinds you could ever have,
Found [F]love I thought I'd never find,
I c[C]an't believe this life is mine,
And[G] I'm not planin on leavin yet,
But the[D] truth is you just never know,
and [F]if this is as good as it gets,
[C]Man I think I'm good to g[G]o[-][Bm]
I'm good to g[F]o[-][C]
I'm good to g[G]o[-][Bm][-][F][-][C]

Outro - G - Bm - F - C

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Cadd91fr2fr3fr4frx21o3o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am71fr2fr3fr4frxo2o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Hợp âm: Good to Go - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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