Chord/Tab song: Deanna

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Deanna - ( [C]Oh Deann[F]a Oh De[C]anna! [F]Oh De[C]anna [F]You know...)

[C]Oh Deann[F]a
Oh De[C]anna!
[F]Oh De[C]anna
[F]You know you are my f[C]riend, yeah
[F]And I ain't d[D]own here for your money[G]
[G]I ain't d[D]own here for your lov[G]e
[G]I ain't d[D]own here for your love or mo[D]ney
[D]I'm down here for your [C]soul

[C]There's no carpet on the [F]floor
[C]And the winding cloth h[F]olds many moths
[C]Around your Klu[F]-Klux furniture
[C]I come of death[F]s head in your frock
[D]We discuss the m[G]urder plan
[D]We discuss murder and the m[G]urder act
[D]Murder takes the wheel of your [G]Cadillac
[G]And death climbs in the b[C]ack

[C]Oh De[F]anna
[F]Oh oh[C] Deanna
[F]Sweet Dean[C]na
[F]Oh oh[C] Deanna
[F]Well, this is a [C]car
[F]and this is a g[C]un now
[F]And this a day [C]number one
[F]Oh Dea[C]nna
[F]The little [D]crime woven histories
[G]are black and a s[D]moking christmas trees
[G]And honey, i[D]t ain't mystery
[G]Why you're a mystery to [C]me

[F]We will eat out [C]of their pantries
[F]And their pa[C]rlours
[F]Ashy leaving in their b[C]eds
[F]And we'll unload [D]into their heads
[G]On this mea[D]n season
[G]But this littl[D]e angel that I squeezing
[G]She ain't been mean to me

[C]Oh Deann[F]a
Oh De[C]anna!
[F]Oh De[C]anna
[F]You are my friend and m[C]y partner
[F]On this house on the[C] hill
[G]I ain't d[D]own here for your lov[G]e or money
[G]I ain't d[D]own here for your love [G]
[G]I'm down here for your [C]soul

[C]Oh Dea[F]nna
[C]Oh Dea[F]nna
[F]I Am A kn[C]ocking
[F]With my toolbox and my stoc[C]king
[F]Well I'll meet you on the c[C]orner
[F]And you point it like a [C]finger
[F]And squeeze its little t[C]hings now
[F]I hear it's kick, hear it's [C]bang
[F]And let no [D]worry about it's issue
[G]Don't wo[D]rry about where its been
[G]and don't w[D]orry about where it hits
[G]Cause it just ain't yours t[C]o sin

[C]Oh Dea[F]nna
[F]No it just ain't your t[C]o sin
[F]Sweet D[C]eanna
[F]I ain't getting any yo[C]unger
[F]And I don't intend get[C]tin' any older
[F]The sun a hump at my[C] shoulder
[C]Oh Dea[F]nna
[F]And I ain't down here for[D] your money
[G]I ain't d[D]own here for your love
[G]I ain't d[D]own here for your love of money
[G]I'm down here for your [C]soul

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: Deanna - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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