Chord/Tab song: Dark-Eyed Sailor

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Dark-Eyed Sailor - ( I figured this chords out after listening to Steeleye Spa...)

I figured this chords out after listening to Steeleye Span's "Journey" live
album. It features Gay Woods on lead vocals and Maddy Prior on backing vocals. I
THINK it's in a different key than the original version on HArk! The Village Wait
but it still works. It's one hell of a song.

[C]As I roved o[F]ut one ev[C]ening f[Am]air
It bein' the sum[C]mertime to t[F]ake the a[C]ir[F]
I spied a sa[Am]ilor and a l[G]ady g[C]ay[F][C]
And I st[Am]ood to li[C]sten
And I st[F]ood to li[C]sten to h[G]ear what they would [C]say.[F][C]

[C]He said "Fair l[F]ady, why d[C]o you r[Am]oam
For the day is sp[C]ent and the ni[F]ght is o[C]n"
She heaved a s[Am]igh while the te[G]ars did r[C]oll
"For my d[Am]ark-eyed sa[C]ilor
For my da[F]rk-eyed sa[C]ilor, so yo[G]ung and stout and b[C]old."[F][C]

[C]"'Tis seven long ye[F]ars since he le[C]ft this l[Am]and
A ring he t[C]ook from off his l[F]ily-white h[C]and[F][C]
One half of the r[Am]ing is still h[G]ere with m[C]e[F][C]
But the o[Am]ther's ro[C]llin'
But the ot[F]her's ro[C]llin' at the bo[G]ttom of the s[C]ea."[F][C]

( Tab from: )
[C]He said "You may dr[F]ive him o[C]ut of your m[Am]ind
Some other yo[C]ung man you will su[F]rely f[C]ind[F][C]
Love turns as[Am]ide and soon co[G]ld has gr[C]own[F][C]
Like the wi[Am]nter's mor[C]ning
Like the wi[F]nter's mo[C]rning, the hi[G]lls are white with s[C]now."

[C]She said "I'll n[F]ever for[C]sake my d[Am]ear
Although we're pa[C]rted this m[F]any a y[C]ear[F][C]
Genteel he [Am]was and a r[G]ake like y[C]ou[F][C]
To in[Am]duce a m[C]aiden
To ind[F]uce a ma[C]iden to sl[G]ight the jacket b[C]lue."

[C]One half of the r[F]ing did young Wi[C]lliam s[Am]how
She ran dis[C]tracted in gr[F]ief and w[C]oe[F][C]
Sayin' "Wi[Am]lliam, William, I have g[G]old in st[C]ore[F][C]
For my da[Am]rk-eyed sa[C]ilor
For my da[F]rk-eyed sa[C]ilor has pr[G]oved his honour l[C]ong"

[C]And there is a co[F]ttage by yo[C]nder l[Am]ea
This couple's mar[C]ried and d[F]oes ag[C]ree[F][C]
So maids be l[Am]oyal when your l[G]ove's at s[C]ea[F][C]
For a cl[Am]oudy mor[C]ning
For a cl[F]oudy mor[C]ning brings i[G]n a sunny d[C]ay.[F][C]

Chords by CookOfTheHouse

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: Dark-Eyed Sailor - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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