Chord/Tab song: Climb to Safety

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Climb to Safety - ( [Intro] [D] [G] [F] [Verse] You can [D]hear [G] [F] i...)


[D] [G] [F]


You can [D]hear [G] [F] it [D]comin'[G]
[F]Like a [D]train [G] out [F]of con[D]trol[G][F]
Sure[D]ly lea[G]ves [F]you [D]wonderin'[G]
[F]Exactly w[D]here [G] your t[F]icket g[D]oes[G][F]
You [D]scream [G] to [F]the con[D]ductor[G]
B[F]ut he's been[D] deaf[G] for[F] 20[D] years[G][F]
Hear th[D]e oth[G]er [F]people [D]laughin'[G]
[F]As he g[D]rinds [G] through e[F]very g[D]ear[G][F]


[F] Go to grab your nerve, you[G] find that it is missin'
[F] Seems you've lost your faith in [G]everyone you know
[F] And I surely hope that y[G]ou don't plan on winnin'
Better start [G]payin' more attention
To the ones t[G]hat throw you clear
You are secon[G]ds from the impact,
And you're [D]movin' way too slow


You said t[D]ime w[G]ill s[F]urel[D]y mold y[G]ou
[F]Into so[D]mething y[G]ou d[F]on't l[D]ike[G][F]
Now you're[D] runnin[G]g lik[F]e a [D]rabbi[G]t
[F]Stick your[D] finger[G] in [F]the d[D]ike[G][F]

[F] Look around your room you [G]find the paint is peelin'
[F] Your reflective skin is fa[G]llin' off your bones
[F] Well, I must admit I kno[G]w just how you're feelin'
Must gra[G]b each others collar
Must ris[G]e out of the water
'Cause y[G]ou know as well as I do
That it's [D]no fun to die alone


After all[D] that I've been through,
You're the on[G]ly one that ma[A]tters
Climb to [D]safety
You never left me [G]in the dark here[A] on my own
Climb to [D]safety
I can feel the water ri[G]sing, let me be [A]your ladder
Climb to [D]safety
I promise you'll be dr[G]y and nev[A]er be alone


You tell me lo[D]ve, h[G]as a[F]lways [D]scared yo[G]u
[F]Like the t[D]hings und[G]er y[F]our b[D]ed[G][F]
Baby, [D]we can [G]walk [F]on w[D]ater[G]
[F]Like some j[D]unkies [G]swor[F]e the[D]y did[G][F]


[F] You call me on the phone, [G]you say that it is crucial
[F] Stick your fingers in your [G]ears 'til they explode
[F] It's just business, and [G]it rolls along as usual
Must gra[G]b each others collar
Must ris[G]e out of the water
'Cause y[G]ou know as well as I do
That it's [D]no fun to die alone


After all[D] that I've been through,
You're the on[G]ly one that ma[A]tters
Climb to [D]safety
You never left me in th[G]e dark here on m[A]y own
Climb to [D]safety
I can feel the water r[G]ising, let me b[A]e your ladder
Climb to [D]safety
I promise you'll be d[G]ry and ne[A]ver be alone
After all[D] that I've been through,
You're the only one th[G]at matters[A]
Climb to [D]safety
You never left me in[G] the dark here o[A]n my own
Climb to [D]safety
I can feel the water [G]rising, let me [A]be your ladder
Climb to [D]safety
I promise you'll be dry [G]and never[A] be alone
Yeah, climb to[D] safety
[G]Ooh[A], climb to [D]safety, safety
[G]Yea[A]h, climb to [D]safety

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o

Chord: Climb to Safety - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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