Hợp âm - tab: Caught Me Thinkin - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Caught Me Thinkin - ( Tabbed by syphaxe Simple chords are below, tabs for seg...)

5 years ago1078Barchords (2012) Bahamas
Tabbed by syphaxe

Simple chords are below, tabs for segues are below the below.

For alot of the verse, Alfie just hits the chord root - listen and you'll get it.

...BTW Bahamas is the best shit in a minute...

[[Verse i]]

[Bm]Back when we started, be[E]fore we parted

I would w[A]onder what would make her s[D]tay

[Bm]What was I thinkin',[E] as if my drinkin'

Was the [A]only thing that drove her aw[D]ay

[Bm]Was it ambition? Or a w[E]ar of attrition?

Hon[A]ey, you could always stick it [D]out

And [Bm]now I know beyond the sha[E]dow of a doubt, it's my f[A]ault.


[E]You caught me thinking

[F#m]What it might be li[D]ke

[E]To be alone for a while,

Or a[F#m]lone for just[A] one n[D/Bm]ight

Bm E A D (x2)

[[Verse ii]]

I share my feelings
You hit the ceiling
I couldn't shake it if I tried
You were my lover
Only to discover something inside of me had died

Was it ambition? or war of attrition?
Honey, you could always stick it out
Now i know beyond the shadow of a doubt, it's my fault.


You caught me thinking
What it might be like
To be alone for a while,
Or alone for just one night

e|------7-7-7-5-- ----9-9-9-7-- ----5-5-5-7-- 7-------------|
B|------7-7-7-7-- ----9-9-9-9-- ----5-5-5-7-- 7-------------|
G|------7-7-7-7-- ----9-9-9-9-- ----6-6-6-7-- 7-------------|
D|--------------- ------------- ------------- --------------|
A|--5---5-----5-- 7---7-----7-- ----------5-- 5-------------|
E|--------------- ------------- 5---5-------- --------------|

Steve Earle on Canadian bikes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?vnKXzA0_-sZ4

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Caught Me Thinkin - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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