Chord/Tab song: Bring Me a Boat

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Bring Me a Boat - ( Capo 1st fret Intro: A D A D [D]Bring me a bo[A]at to c...)

Capo 1st fret

Intro: A D A D

[D]Bring me a bo[A]at to cr[E]oss to my de[A]ar
I sta[D]nd here al[A]one, with my swee[F#m]theart so n[D]ear
Bring to me a b[A]oat to c[E]ross o'er the T[A]yne
For it's dee[D]p murky wat[A]ers part h[E]is heart and min[A]e

And the Ty[D]ne it flows o[A]n and [F#m]out to the s[A]ea
If a b[D]oat I am gr[A]anted then s[Bm]afe let me[D] be
And gently I'll [A]go, for ge[E]ntly I'll [A]row
As ge[D]ntly you br[A]eathe as you [E]ebb and you flo[A]w

[A] [D] [A] [D]
[D]Does he know I st[A]and each [E]day on the sh[A]ore
Does[D] he know I'd g[A]ive all t[F#m]o see him once mo[D]re
Does he know I've w[A]ept ten th[E]ousand times o[A]'re
And [D]is he still w[A]aiting as [E]he was befor[A]e

And the Ty[D]ne it flows o[A]n and [F#m]out to the s[A]ea
If a b[D]oat I am gr[A]anted then s[Bm]afe let me[D] be
And gently I'll [A]go, for ge[E]ntly I'll row
As ge[D]ntly you br[A]eathe as you [E]ebb and you flo[A]w

[A] [D] [A] [D]
[D]The boatman he w[A]ants the g[E]old I can't gi[A]ve
[D]My parents are [A]poor so I've n[F#m]othing to gi[D]ve
Only my h[A]eart and th[E]at will not f[A]loat
So p[D]lease don't de[A]ny me and br[E]ing me a bo[A]at

And the Ty[D]ne it flows o[A]n and [F#m]out to the s[A]ea
If a b[D]oat I am gr[A]anted then s[Bm]afe let me[D] be
And gently I'll [A]go, for ge[E]ntly I'll [A]row
As ge[D]ntly you br[A]eathe as you [E]ebb and you flo[A]w

[A] [D] [A] [D]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#m1fr2fr3fr4fr134111
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

Chord: Bring Me a Boat - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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