Chord/Tab song: Beneath, Between & Behind

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Beneath, Between & Behind - ( Rush: Beneath, Between, and Behind From the album Fly by ...)

Rush: Beneath, Between, and Behind
From the album Fly by Night (Mercury Records)
Copyright 1975 Core Music Publishing
Music by Lifeson
Lyrics by Peart
(written in Seatle, Toronto)

Transcription by:
C.D. Bruce (

Previously Transcribed by:
Bob Anderson (no email avialable)
Sean Carroll ()
Doug Du Plessis ()

Comments/corrections to:
C. D. Bruce (

Overdriven tone (doubled throughout)
[A]Q [Bm]Q [C]qw [A]Q [Bm]Q [C]Q [D]Q [Em]q [D]q


Repeat 3 times, vocal enters 2nd time
_3_ Eno3rd A Bm C D Em D
eee Q Q w Q Q Q Q q q


[A]Q [Bm]Q [C]Q [D]Q [Em]q [D]q [A]Q [Bm]Q [C]Q [D]Q [Em]q [D]q


Be - neath the no - ble bird...
_3_ Eno3rd D G D G D A
eee Q Q w Q Q Q Q q q


[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [G]q


Once with hands held high...
Repeat 3 times
Q Q Q Q q q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q


[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [G]q


Q Q Q Q q q Q Q Q Q q q


[A]Q [Bm]Q [C]qw [A]Q [Bm]Q [C]Q [D]Q [Em]q [D]q


2nd time only-

Watch the ci - ties rise...
_3_ Eno3rd A Bm C D Em D
eee Q Q w Q Q Q Q q q


-2nd gtr omitts this note

[A]Q [Bm]Q [C]Q [D]Q [Em]q [D]q [A]Q [Bm]Q [C]Q [D]Q [Em]q [D]q


Be - neath the no - ble bird...
Repeat 3 times
_3_ Eno3rd D G D G D A
eee Q Q w Q Q Q Q q q


[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [G]q


Once with hands held high...
Q Q Q Q q q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q


[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [G]q


Q Q Q Q q q Q Q Q Q q q


e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q


e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q


e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q e e e e e e e e e e e e e e q


[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q [A]Q [Bm]Q [C]qw


A Bm C D Em D _3_ Eno3rd
Q Q Q Q q q eee Q Q w


w/slap back delay
[A]q q h q [G]h [A]q q h q [G]h


A D E delay off
q q h q h q q w


Be - neath the no - ble bird...
[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q


[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [G]q Q Q Q Q q q


Once with hands held high...
[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q [D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [A]q


[D]Q [G]Q [D]Q [G]Q [D]q [G]q Q Q Q Q q q


w/slap back delay
[D]e [G]e [D]e [G]e [D]e [A]e [D]e [G]e [D]e [G]e [D]e [A]e


D G D G D A -delay off
e e e e e e Q Q Q Q q q


Q Q Q Q q q Q Q Q Q q q





Ten score years ago
Defeat the kingly foe
A wondrous dream came into being
Tame the trackless waste
No virgin land left chaste
All shining eyes but never seeing

Beneath the noble bird
Between the proudest words
Behind the beauty cracks appear

Once with hands held high
They sang out to the sky
Why do their shadows bow in fear

Watch the cities rise
Another ship arrives
Earth's melting pot, and ever growing
Fantastic Dreams come true
Inventing something new
The greatest minds, but never knowing

Beneath the noble bird
Between the proudest words
Behind the beauty cracks appear

Once with hands held high
They sang out to the sky
Why do their shadows bow in fear


The guns replace the plow
Facades are tarnished now
The principles have been betrayed
The dreams gone stale
But still let hope prevail
History's debt won't be repaid

Beneath the noble bird
Between the proudest words
Behind the beauty cracks appear

Once with hands held high
They sang out to the sky
Why do their shadows bow in fear

Tablature Contributors:
This transcription was created by C. D. Bruce (
in the format described below. It was previously transcribed by
Bob Anderson (no email avialable). Other comments from Doug
Du Plessis and Sean Carroll ( have also
been incorporated.

This tablature represents how the song is played as closely as reasonably
achievable to the studio recording. Alex Lifeson may have played it
slightly differently.

Revision History:
Rev. 1: Submitted 04-xx-1999

Tablature Explanation:
(+) This symbol stands for "Coda". A passage at the end of a movement
or composition that brings it to a formal close.
AC "Al coda" - means "to the tail", tells you that you must go
to the end section which starts with the Coda sign (+).
DC "Da capo" - means "from the head", when you see these initials
you go back to the beginning of the piece of music.
DS "Dal segno" - means "from the sign", go back in the tabulature
only as far as the (%) sign.
(.) Fermata, the prolongation of a tone, chord, or rest beyond
its indicated time value.
RF repeat and fade
Rit "Ritardando" - Gradually slowing in tempo; retarding.
~ vibrato
. staccato; mute the note immediately after striking it
^ bend string up to indicated pitch/fret shown in parenthesis ()
h hammer
p pull
r release bend (string/fret may be indicated)
s slide (used when back slash "" or forward slash "/" don't fit)
t fret board tap (not many of these with Rush)
u unison bend, the lower note is bent to achieve unison with the
higher note
x percussive note with no pitch or a muted note
| bar separating measures
/ slide up the neck towards the bridge
\ slide down the neck towards the nut
x/ pick slide up
x\ pick slide down
natural harmonic (lightly touch the string above the fret
(5) artificial harmonic (use thumb to follow through the pick attack)
o \ repeat sign
o /
LT "Lifeson Tuning" or Modified Nashville Tuning. When the low E, A,
and D strings (usually on a 6 string acoustic) are replaced with
lighter gauge strings and tuned one octave higher than normal
(different from Nashville tuning which would also include the G
string being tuned one octave higher).

Other pertinent information:
Tempo: 1/4 note 221
Tuning: Standard (EADGBe).
Key signature: D
Effects: Overdrive/Distortion, delay

Chord & Scale Chart Below: See tablature

Tablature Format:

This Tablature is primarily based on the formats indicated below.

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 <--Quarter note beat locations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <--Eighth note beat locations
<--Effects/Misc Line
D C G/B <--Chord Line
e e e q q e e e e q e e e <--Note Duration Line (table below)

|-----2-----------|-----------------| <--High E string
|-------3---------|-----------------| <--B string
|---2-------2---0-|-----0-------0---| <--G string
|-0---------------|---2-------0---0-| <--D string
|-----------------|-3-----2---------| <--A string
|-----------------|-----------------| <--E string


4/4 <--Time Signature & Effects Line
D <--Chord Line
e e e q q e <--Note Duration Line (table below)

e|---------2-----------------------|G<--High E string
B|-------------3-------------------|T<--B string
G|-----2---------------2-------0---|R<--G string
D|(0)------------------------------|1<--D string
A|---------------------------------| <--A string
E|---------------------------------| <--E string

^Space identifies guitar or keys
1 2 3 4 <--Quarter note beat locations
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <--Eighth note beat locations

Effects/Misc Line: Provides effects information, number of repeats, etc.

Chord Line: Provides the chord name for the chords used in the
tab below.

Note Duration Line: Provides the "value" of each note, e.g., whole,
half, quarter, etc.

Note Duration Designator Table:
w Whole note h Half note
q Quarter note H Dotted half note
Q Dotted Quarter note s Sixteenth note
e Eighth note S Dotted sixteenth note
E Dotted eighth note + Duration exceeds 2 measures
t Thirty-second note
T Dotted thirty-second note

Notes with two designations immediately adjacent to each other
have durations added (e.g., he half note + eigth note, etc.)

String lines: Represent the strings of a guitar. The tab is laid
out as if you placed a right handed guitar on your
lap, string side up. A vertical line character "|"
represents a bar between measures. A dash "-" represents
each string. The numbers indicate which fret should
be fingered to sound the note. The first space after
every bar is a blank space that is almost never used.
Quarter notes are separated by 3 dashes, eighth notes
are separated by 1 dash. In an effort to make the
ASCII tab look as much like tab in a music book, the
notes are spaced out as accurately as possible. In the
event the notes will not fit into the format shown above,
the tab may be expanded (usually only required for

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: Beneath, Between & Behind - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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