Chord/Tab song: Beautiful Ones

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Beautiful Ones - ( Band : Suede Song : Beautiful Ones (Bass Tablature) Album...)

5 years ago1024Coming Up (1996) Suede
Band : Suede
Song : Beautiful Ones (Bass Tablature)
Album : Coming Up [1996]
Tabbed By : Troalance17

Note : Tune down half a step. (As with almost all Suede songs)

G |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------|----------------------------(7\)|
A |-3-3-----3-3-----5-5-----5-5---5|78-8---578-8---857-7---5---3----|
E |5------35------57------57---(5)-|-------------------------------3|

(7\)Slide before chorus
(5)Sometimes in Outro
Verse B

G |--------------------------------|------\7---5--------------------|
D |--------------------------------|-------------7------------------|
A |-3-3-----3-3-----5-5-----5-5---5|67-7-----------757-7---5---3----|
E |5------35------57------57-------|-------------------------------3|


G |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
D |-----------5--------------------|--------------------------------|
A |-3---3---3-------------------5-7|-8---8-8-5-----5---8-------5----|
E |-------------750---7---00--7----|-----------8-5---------5--------|

Chorus End

G |--------------------------------|
D |--------------------------------|
A |-----------------------7-7-758--|
E |-5------------------------------|

Outro B

G |--------------------------------|--------------------------------|
D |----------5-5------------7-7----|---------1010-------------------|
A |-3-3---23--------5-5---35------5|78-8---57------857-7---5---3----|
E |5--------------57---------------|-------------------------------3|


[00:00] (Guitar Intro)
[00:09] Verse A | A
[00:29] Verse A | A | B | A
[00:58] Chorus 2x | End
[01:23] Verse A | B
[01:41] Chorus 2x
[02:02] Chorus 1x (You don't think about it)
[02:11] Chorus 4x | End And If you're babies...)
[02:45] Outro 2x | Outro B (Lalalala)
[03:14] Outro 2x | Outro B

Hello to all my frends, especially ( ElectrogenesisBand )
thanx my bandmates ( Hero, Sonic, Duo, Delacroix and me Troa )...Rock On!!!

Chords List

Chord: Beautiful Ones - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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