Chord/Tab song: Which Will

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Which Will - ( # Received: from (post-office.neva...)

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Date: Sun, 2 Jan 94 19:21:19 -0800
From: [email protected] (Adam Schneider)
To: [email protected]
Subject: /w/Lucinda.Williams/
WHICH WILL (by Nick Drake; recorded by Lucinda Williams)


[Key of E; capo up two frets]

CHORDS [each chord is one measure]:

[G] Which will you g[D]o for, [G] which will you [D]love
[G] Which will you c[D]hoose from, [Em] from the stars a[A]bove
[G] Which will you a[D]nswer, [G] which will you c[D]all
[G] Which will you t[D]ake for, [Em] for your[A] one and all
G G [2/4] G [4/4]
Tell me now, which will you love the
[D]best [solo][G][D][G][Em][A][G][G][D]
Which do you dance for, which makes you shine
Which will you choose now if you won't choose mine
Which will you hope for, which can it be
Which will you take now if you won't take me
G G G D G D G D G D.
Tell me now, which will you love the best
[D] [G] [D] [G]

E ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
B 3---2---0-------|----------------|3---2---0-------|----------------|
G ------------2---|0---------------|------------2---|0---------------|
D ----------------|-40-------------|----------------|-40-------------|
A ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
E +---+---+---+---|+---+---+---+---|+---+---+---+---|+---+---+---+---|

[Em] [A] [G] [G]

E ----------------|----------------|----------------|--------------0-|
B ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------0-2---|
G 0---------------|--------4---2---|----------------|----02----------|
D ---42---------0-|--2-----2---2---|----------------|02--------------|
A ----------------|4-------4---4---|--------02------|----------------|
E +---+---+---+---|+---+---+---+---|3---+---+---+---|+---+---+---+---|

[D] [G] [D] [G]

E ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
B 3---------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
G 2---------242---|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D 0---------------|--------0-------|0-------------0-|----------------|
A ----------------|--2-------------|------------02--|----------------|
E +---+---+---+---|3---+---+---+---|+---+---+---+---|3---+---+---+---|

"Which do you...
[Actually, I think the notes I put down here (from this
point on) are being played by two separate guitars. Strum
on the offbeats. It should be pretty easy to figure out.]

Chords List

Chord: Which Will - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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