Chord/Tab song: When the Ship Comes In

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: When the Ship Comes In - ( Oh the time will come up[C] when the winds[Em] will stop[...)

4 years ago308 The Clancy Brothers
Oh the time will come up[C] when the winds[Em] will stop[F][C]
And the br[Am]eeze will c[F]ease to be b[C]reathin'
Like the s[C]tillness in the w[Em]ind 'fore the hu[F]rricane b[C]egins
The ho[C]ur when the s[F]hip co[G]mes i[C]n.

And the s[Em]eas will split and the s[F]hip will [C]hit
And the sa[Em]nds on the sh[F]oreline will be sh[C]aking
Then the t[C]ide will s[Em]ound and the wa[F]ves will po[C]und
And the mo[C]rning w[F]ill be [G]breakin[C]g.

Oh the f[C]ishes will la[Em]ugh as they s[F]wim out of the [C]path
And the s[Am]eagulls th[F]ey'll be s[C]miling
And the r[C]ocks on the s[Em]and will p[F]roudly s[C]tand
The h[C]our that the s[F]hip co[G]mes [C]in.

And the w[Em]ords that are used for to g[F]et the ship c[C]onfused
Will n[Em]ot be underst[F]ood as they're s[C]poken
For the c[Em]hains of the sea will have b[F]usted in the n[C]ight
And be b[C]uried at the b[F]ottom of the [G]ocea[C]n.

Oh a s[C]ong will l[Em]ift as the ma[F]insail sh[C]ifts
And the b[Am]oat drifts o[F]n to the sh[C]oreline
And the s[C]un will re[Em]spect every f[F]ace on the de[C]ck
The h[C]our that the s[F]hip co[G]mes [C]in.

Then the s[Em]ands will roll out a ca[F]rpet of g[C]old
For your w[Em]eary t[F]oes to be a-to[C]uchin'
And the s[C]hip's wise [Em]men will re[F]mind you once a[C]gain
That the w[C]hole wide wo[F]rld is w[G]atchi[C]n'.

Harmonica Break

Oh the f[C]oes will r[Em]ise with the sl[F]eep still in their e[C]yes
And they'll j[Am]erk from their b[F]eds and think they're d[C]reamin'
But they'll pi[C]nch themselves and sq[Em]ueal and they'll k[F]now that it's for r[C]eal
The h[C]our that the s[F]hip co[G]mes [C]in.

Then they'll r[Em]aise their hands sayin' we'll m[F]eet all your de[C]mands
But we'll s[Em]hout from the b[F]ow your days are n[C]umbered
And like Ph[C]araoh's t[Em]ribe they'll be dr[F]ownded in the t[C]ide
Like Gol[C]iath, they[F]'ll be c[G]onquer[C]ed.

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4

Chord: When the Ship Comes In - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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