Hợp âm - tab: We All Fall Down - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: We All Fall Down - ( [F]What makes a man work 'til hi[C]s kids get too old to ...)

[F]What makes a man work 'til hi[C]s kids get too old to kiss and hu[G]g
[Am]Keep on climbing that imagina[C]ry mountain when is enough, en[F]ough
[Em]What makes a man build a kingdom only to lose his woman[F][Em][F]
How high[C] is too high Ho[F]w big is too[Em] big[F]
How far[Em] will we go ju[F]st to slip of[Em]f the edge?[F]

Yeah, we[Am] all fal[C]l down[F]
Life ta[Am]kes u[C]s out[F]
The sky[G] starts spinning
When our heads get above the cl[Am]ouds[G]
The highe[F]r we fly the harder it feels when we hit the g[G]round
Yeah, we [Am]all fall[C] down[F]
Yeah, we [Am]all fall[C] down[F]

[F]How does a man pick hims[C]elf up when he's let himself down[G]
Tell me wher[Am]e does he find the courage to t[C]urn his world back around?[F]
Will he bre[Em]ak down and cry like [F]someone just[Em] died[F]
[C]What can you say abo[F]ut the man he used t[Em]o be?[F]
When he cant [Em]even speak though[F] he's dying to scream[G]

Yeah, we all [Am]fall [C]down[F]
When we all f[Am]ind ou[C]t [F]
The sky[G] starts spinning
When our heads get above the cl[Am]ouds[G]
The highe[F]r we fly the harder it feels when we hit the ground[G]
Yeah, we [Am]all fall[C] down[F]
Yeah, we [Am]all fall[C] down[F]

Hes the only one to blame
And the only one to lose
How low he must go
To win back his soul


Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: We All Fall Down - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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