Chord/Tab song: Two Fingers

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Two Fingers - ( CAPO 3 Tabbed by Oliver Wade -


Tabbed by Oliver Wade -

I drink to re[D]member, I smoke to forget
Some things to be[G] proud of, some stuff to regret
Been down some dark a[A]lleys, in my own head
Some thing is [G]changing, changing, changing.

I go back to [D]Clifton to see my old friends
The best people [G]I could ever have met
Skin up a [A]fat one, hide from the Feds
Something is [G]changing, changing, changing.

So I [D]kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
L[A]ight a cigarette and wish the world away
I got [G]out I got out I'm alive and I'm here to [D]stay
So I [D]hold two fingers up to yesterday
L[A]ight a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got [G]out, I got out, I'm alive and I'm here to [D]stay

Down in the k[D]itchen drinking white lightning
He's with my m[G]omma, yelling and fighting
It's not the [A]first time praying for silence
Something is [G]changing, changing, changing

So I [D]kiss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
L[A]ight a cigarette and wish the world away
I got o[G]ut I got out I'm alive and I'm here to [D]stay
So I h[D]old two fingers up to yesterday
L[A]ight a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got o[G]ut I got out I'm alive and I'm here to [D]stay

There's a s[G]tory for every corner of this [D]place
R[G]unning so hard you got out but your knees got [D]grazed
I'm an o[A]ld dog but I learned some new tricks yea[G]h

So I k[D]iss goodbye to every little ounce of pain
L[A]ight a cigarette and wish the world away
I got o[G]ut I got out I'm alive and I'm here to [D]stay
So I h[D]old two fingers up to yesterday
L[A]ight a cigarette and smoke it all away
I got o[G]ut I got out I'm alive and I'm here to [D]stay

[D]Hey, hey it's fine
[A]Hey, hey it's fine
[G]Hey, hey it's fine, I left it b[D]ehind

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o

Chord: Two Fingers - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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