Chord/Tab song: Tulsa Telephone Book

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Tulsa Telephone Book - ( Tulsa Telephone Book Tom T. Hall Capo: 2nd Fret Intro: E...)

Tulsa Telephone Book
Tom T. Hall
Capo: 2nd Fret

Intro: E-B-E-B

[E]Have you read any good telephone books late[A]ly?
[E]If you ain't then let me recommend o[B]ne
I've al[E]ready read that Tulsa telephone b[A]ook through thirteen times
If you d[E]on't know any l[B]ast names it ain't much f[E]un

[E]Readin' that T[B]ulsa telephone book, can d[A]rive a guy i[E]nsane
Espe[B]cially if that g[A]irl you're lookin' for h[E]as no last n[B]ame
[E]I gotta find her and tell her, I don't w[A]ant our love to e[E]nd
So I'm readin' that Tulsa t[B]elephone book a[E]gain[B]

[E]Well, I was in Tulsa and didn't have anything g[A]oin'
She l[E]ived in Tulsa and didn't have anything [B]on
She s[E]aid, My name is Shirley, and I sai[A]d, My name is T.
[E]I woke up the next m[B]ornin' and she was g[E]one

[E]All of the Tulsa operators know my voice n[A]ow
[E]And they gotta know how long I've been a[B]lone
If y[E]ou meet a girl named Shirley with some ri[A]bbons in her hair
[E]Would you tell her that she's wa[B]nted on the p[E]hone

[E]Readin' that T[B]ulsa telephone book, can d[A]rive a guy i[E]nsane
Espec[B]ially if that g[A]irl you're lookin' for h[E]as no last n[B]ame
[E]I gotta find her and tell her, I don't w[A]ant our love to e[E]nd
So I'm readin' that Tulsa t[B]elephone book a[E]gain [B]
[E]I'm readin' that Tulsa t[B]elephone book a[E]gain

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331

Chord: Tulsa Telephone Book - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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