Chord/Tab song: Till We Run Out of Road

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Till We Run Out of Road - ( Date: 14.03.02 From: Joe Eastwood Subject: Lyrics & tabs ...)

5 years ago818This Way (2001) Jewel
Date: 14.03.02
From: Joe Eastwood
Subject: Lyrics & tabs "Til We Run out of road" (Jewel)

Its le[A]aving time again

I'm headed out with all my friends
its a r[D]oll of the dice,
I've never thought twice about the w[A]ay I've been sp[E]ending
my t[D]ime
Trying my g[A]uts out for e[E]very d[D]ime

Working in an o[A]ffice building tall

don't know who's next to you at all
but b[D]eing out here the blood, the guts, the beer is a t[A]est
[E]only time will t[D]ell
brings you c[A]loser [E]man closer than h[D]ell

(CH) We're l[A]eaving[E], we're leaving a[A]gain
can't recall where all we've b[D]een
I guess we'll just[F#m] go, go til we're t[E]oo old
or we run out of r[D]oad

The other d[A]ay I talked to Lou, he quit back in 92'
say's he m[D]isses it bad those were the
the best times we ever h[A]ad, he said give it h[E]ell til the e[D]nd
coz once you q[A]uit you can't[E] get it back ag[D]ain

[F#m]Expensive cabs and s[D]hitty food
washed d[E]own with cancelled fl[A]ights
Oh missed [F#m]wake up calls, missed h[D]olidays
you mi[E]ss your boy and w[A]ife
[D]All the late night drives that cause, the dawn to strike
you like a k[F#m]nife
Hey m[A]an, this is a b[E]eautiful li[A]fe

etc.. to end (ENJOY)

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#m1fr2fr3fr4fr134111

Chord: Till We Run Out of Road - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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