Chord/Tab song: The Rope

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Rope - ( Written By: Stephanie Davis Album: The Time Has Come The...)

Written By: Stephanie Davis
Album: The Time Has Come

The Rope Martina McBride

Capo 2nd Fret

Intro: A, A, A, A

In[A] Waters c[A]alm I sa[E]iled fr[D]om sh[A]ore
To[D] see what I might s[E]ee
An[A]d having never sai[E]led [D]befo[A]re
I [D]drifted aimle[E]ssly
A warm[D] breeze ro[E]cked my boat un[A]til
In [D]slumber I fell[A] sound
But[A] woke to find the li[E]ght g[D]rown d[A]im
And[D] dark clouds gath[E]ering 'ro[A]und[A][A]

In[A] haste I worked at[E] turni[D]ng ba[A]ck
But[D] now the w[A]ind blew wr[E]ong
And[A] when the night came co[E]ld a[D]nd bl[A]ack
My [D]strength was alm[A]ost go[E]ne
But w[E]ith one last[D] small thread of[A] hope
I [D]bowed my he[A]ad to p[E]ray
Then [A]through the dark I [E]saw [D]a ro[A]pe
And [D]heard a calm v[E]oice s[A]ay

Gr[A]ab the ro[A]pe
Ho[D]ld it tig[A]ht
In[A] the dist[A]ance
Sh[E]ines a li[E]ght
Ne[A]ither fea[A]r
No[D]r feel al[A]one
Th[A]ere is on[A]e
Who'[E]ll lea[D]d you h[A]ome[A]

I [A]heard my heart beat [E]loud a[D]nd fas[A]t
Bu[D]t did as [A]I was t[E]old
An[A]d with the rosey da[E]wn a[D]t la[A]st
Dr[D]y land I d[A]id beh[E]old
I [E]kissed the sandy[D] banks and sw[A]ore
My[D] sailing days[A] were thro[E]ugh
Bu[A]t should I ever st[E]ray fr[D]om sh[A]ore
I [E]know now w[D]hat to d[A]o

G[A]rab the r[A]ope
H[D]old it ti[A]ght
I[A]n the dis[A]tance
S[E]hines a l[E]ight
N[A]either fe[A]ar
N[D]or feel a[A]lone
T[A]here is o[A]ne
Who'[E]ll lead[D] you h[A]ome

(Repeat Chorus until song fades)

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: The Rope - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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