Chord/Tab song: The Real Slim Shady

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Real Slim Shady - ( This song is in standard tuning EADGBe, similar to other ...)

This song is in standard tuning EADGBe, similar to other versions on here, however
I use no capo for this version, I think it sounds like a bit more bass for rapping the song.

The chords are very easy, and simple to play.

Em | Am | B7 | Em

They keep the same rhythm, just rinse and repeat, have fun!

I don't use the pinky finger on the b7, its more of a modified b7 chord. Simply
switching my two fingers from the Am to B7 transition, while keeping the pinky
anchored on the third string (G).

Y'a[Em]ll act like you never seen [Am]a white person before
Jaws a[B7]ll on the floor like Pam and[Em] Tommy just burst in the door
[Em]and started whoopin her ass[Am] worse than before
they were [B7]first divorced, throwin h[Em]er over furniture (Ahh!)
[Em]It's the return of the... "Ah, w[Am]ait, no way, you're kidding,
[B7]he didn't just say what I th[Em]ink he did, did he?"
[Em]And Dr. Dre said...[Am] nothing you idiots!
[B7]Dr. Dre's dead, he's [Em]locked in my basement! (Ha-ha!)
[Em]Feminist women love Em[Am]inem
chigga chigga ch[B7]igga
"Slim Shady, I'm si[Em]ck of him look at him,
[Em]Walkin' around grabbin[Am]' his you-know-what
Flippin the yo[B7]u-know-who," "Yeah, but he's [Em]so cute though!"
[Em]Yeah, I probably got a couple of scre[Am]ws up in my head loose
But n[B7]o worse, than what's goin o[Em]n in your parents' bedrooms
[Em]Sometimes, I wanna get o[Am]n TV and just let loose, but can't[B7]
but it's cool for Tom Green to [Em]hump a dead moose
[Em]"My bum is on your lips, my [Am]bum is on your lips"
And if [B7]I'm lucky, you might just gi[Em]ve it a little kiss
And t[Em]hat's the message that we deli[Am]ver to little kids
And e[B7]xpect them not to know what a wo[Em]man's clitoris is
Of co[Em]urse they gonna know what interco[Am]urse is
By the time they hit f[B7]ourth grade
They got the Dis[Em]covery Channel don't they?
[Em]"We ain't nothing but ma[Am]mmals.." Well, some of us cann[B7]ibals
who cut other p[Em]eople open like cantaloupes [SLURP]
[Em]But if we can hump de[Am]ad animals and antelopes
[B7]then there's no reason that a man and an[Em]other man can't elope
[EWWW!] B[Em]ut if you feel like I[Am] feel, I got the antidote
[B7]Women wave your pantyhose, s[Em]ing the chorus and it goes

[Chorus: Eminem (repeat 2X)]
'Cause I[Em]'m Slim Shady, yes I'[Am]m the real Shady
All you o[B7]ther Slim Shadys are[Em] just imitating
So w[Em]on't the real Slim Shady ple[Am]ase stand up,
[B7]please stand up, p[Em]lease stand up?

[Em]Will Smith don't gotta cuss in his ra[Am]ps to sell his records;
[B7]well I do, so fuck him and f[Em]uck you too!
You th[Em]ink I give a damn about a Gr[Am]ammy?
Half of you cr[B7]itics can't even stomach me, l[Em]et alone stand me
"But S[Em]lim, what if you win, woul[Am]dn't it be weird?"
[B7]Why? So you guys could just lie to [Em]get me here?
So you c[Em]an, sit me here ne[Am]xt to Britney Spears?
[B7]Shit, Christina Aguilera b[Em]etter switch me chairs
so I can[Em] sit next to Carson Da[Am]ly and Fred Durst
and he[B7]ar 'em argue over who she gave h[Em]ead to first
[Em]You little bitch, put me on b[Am]last on MTV
"Yeah, he's c[B7]ute, but I think he's married t[Em]o Kim, hee-hee!"
I should [Em]download her audio on M[Am]P3
and show the w[B7]hole world how you gave [Em]Eminem VD [AHHH!]
[Em]I'm sick of you little girl and bo[Am]y groups, all you do is an[B7]noy me
so I have been s[Em]ent here to destroy you [bzzzt]
[Em]And there's a million of us ju[Am]st like me
who c[B7]uss like me; who just don't gi[Em]ve a fuck like me
who d[Em]ress like me; walk, talk and a[Am]ct like me
and j[B7]ust might be the next best th[Em]ing but not quite me!

I'm like a h[Em]ead trip to listen to, ca[Am]use I'm only givin you
[B7]things you joke about with your friend[Em]s inside your living room
The[Em] only difference is [Am]I got the balls to say it
in front of y[B7]'all and I don't gotta be fa[Em]lse or sugarcoated at all
[Em]I just get on the mic[Am] and spit it
and wheth[B7]er you like to admit it [ERR] [Em]I just shit it
better than n[Em]inety percent of you rap[Am]pers out can
Then you wonder [B7]how can kids eat up these al[Em]bums like valiums
It's f[Em]unny; cause at the rat[Am]e I'm goin when I'm thirty
[B7]I'll be the only person in the nu[Em]rsin home flirting
[Em]Pinchin nurses asses whe[Am]n I'm jackin off with Jergens
And I[B7]'m jerkin but this whole bag of Vi[Em]agra isn't working
And e[Em]very single person is a Sl[Am]im Shady lurkin
He co[B7]uld be workin at Burger King, spi[Em]ttin on your onion rings
[HACH] [Em]Or in the parkin lot, ci[Am]rcling
Screaming "I don[B7]'t give a fuck!"
with his windows do[Em]wn and his system up
[Em]So, will the real Shady ple[Am]ase stand up?
And [B7]put one of those fingers on e[Em]ach hand up?
And be pr[Em]oud to be outta your mi[Am]nd and outta control
and [B7]one more time, loud as you [Em]can, how does it go?

[Chorus 4X]

Ha ha
Guess there's a Slim Shady in all of us
Fuck it, let's all stand up

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B71fr2fr3fr4frx213o4

Chord: The Real Slim Shady - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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