Chord/Tab song: The Music

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Music - ( [Intro] Em G C D x2 [Em] [Em] [Em] [Em] [Verse] Pr[Em]et...)

Em G C D x2
[Em] [Em] [Em] [Em]
Pr[Em]etty baby don't be la[G]te
The world is ending I can't chan[C]ge
The way I feel about you no[D]w

New York is cold as ever
[Em]But still I go out every ni[G]ght
Hide myself among the ligh[C]ts
Bathe in all the pretty thing[D]s the city brings
T[Em]he bodies glisten and they shi[G]ne
Like the stars we're born to di[C]e
Like these roses we all will fad[D]e

I'm counting the car[G]s on the freeway be[D]low
Lost in the mus[Em]ic all the foo[C]lishness of our liv[G]es
Speeding out of cont[D]rol
Lost in the mu[Em]sic in the m[C]usic

[Verse 2]
Pr[Em]etty baby please don't c[G]ry
Wipe the guilt out from your e[C]yes
And leave your conscience on the be[D]d
There's no one innocent here[Em]
In the mirror you'll find fai[G]th
Plastic flowers never fa[C]de
But we all turn to gre[D]y

[Chorus 2]
I'm counting the ca[G]rs on the freeway bel[D]ow
Lost in the mu[Em]sic all the foo[C]lishness of our li[G]ves
Speeding out of cont[D]rol
Lost in the mu[Em]sic in the mu[Bm]sic


[C] [C]
[G]I lost my way
[Em]I lost it all
[C] [C]
[G]I lost my w[D]ay

[C] [C] [G] [D]
[C] [C] [G] [Em]
[Em] [Em]
[Verse 3]
[Em]Pretty baby please don't cr[G]y
Wipe the guilt out from your eye[C]s
Pick yourself up off the be[D]d

There's no one innocent here
T[Em]he bodies glisten and they sh[G]ine
Like the stars we're born to di[C]e
Like these roses we all will fad[D]e

[Chorus 3]
I'm counting the c[G]ars on the freeway bel[D]ow
Lost in the mus[Em]ic all the fooli[C]shness of our liv[G]es
Speeding out of cont[D]rol
Lost in the mu[Em]sic

I'm counting the ca[G]rs on the freeway bel[D]ow
I'm counting the lig[Em]hts and the end of it [C]all
I'm counting the ca[G]rs on the freeway be[D]low
Lost in the mus[Em]ic in the mus[C]ic
In the mus[G]ic in the mus[D]ic
In the mus[Em]ic in the mu[C]sic


Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Bm1fr2fr3fr4frx13421

Chord: The Music - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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