Chord/Tab song: The Illegal Line

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Illegal Line - ( Will Hoge - The Illegal Line Standard Tune - No Capo ht...)

Will Hoge - The Illegal Line

Standard Tune - No Capo

The (SOLO) section seems to start in A and work its way down the fret board

[Em] [G] [Em]

Wel[Em]l I must have walked for[G] fourteen[Em] days
All[Em] that I could carry and [G]I made my[Em] way
To [Em]the new holy land not a [G]grand [D]parade
Snu[Em]ck across the border to the[G] U.S.[Em]A.

Di[Em]dn't take too long for me to [G]find som[Em]e work
Jus[Em]t stood there waitin round in the[G] Texas[Em] dirt
And[Em] now I lay concrete the way I[G] did bac[D]k home
Fro[Em]m 6 am until the [G]light is [Em]gone

The[Em]n it's back to the hotel drink a [G]case of[Em] beer
One[Em] for every person that's[G] livin'[Em] here
Fou[Em]r dollars an hour but [G]nobody[D] moans
Cau[Em]se it's three fifty more than we can [G]get bac[Em]k home

The[Em]n I send the money back down to[G] my sweet[Em] wife
So [Em]she can tell my children '[G]bout a bet[Em]ter life
Pap[Em]a's tryin hard just to m[G]ake it [D]fine
Fif[Em]ty miles north of that i[G]llegal [Em]line


L[Em]ate one night they came in th[G]rough t[Em]he door
W[Em]ith guns and lights screamin'[G] get on t[Em]he floor
The[Em]y cuffed us up tight and hauled[G] us all [D]away
Cou[Em]ldn't hardly understand a singl[G]e word the[Em]y'd say

Ear[Em]ly next mornin' judg[G]e drug us[Em] in
He [Em]stared us all down just li[G]ke guilty[Em] men
He [Em]said any of you boys got a th[G]ing to [D]say?
I a[Em]sked him what would he do if he [G]was in my[Em] place

He [Em]said there's rules boy and this jus[G]t aint th[Em]e way
And[Em] I said sometimes a starvin' family j[G]ust can't[Em] wait
But[Em] he slammed down his gavel now[G] I'm doin[D] time
Fif[Em]ty miles north of that [G]illegal l[Em]ine
Fif[Em]ty miles north of that [G]illegal l[Em]ine-eeeeee


Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132

Chord: The Illegal Line - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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