Chord/Tab song: The Calling

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: The Calling - ( [Intro] C G C G C G D x2 [Verse] [Em]Deep in your blood ...)

[Intro] C G C G C G D x2

[Em]Deep in your blood or a v[D]oice in your [G]head
[C]On a dark lonesome hig[G]hway that fi[D]nds you instead
[Em]So certain it knows you, y[D]ou can't turn[G] away
[C]Something or s[G]omeone has fou[D]nd you today

[C]Genius to J[G]esus, ma[C]ybe He saved [G]us
But w[C]ho would bel[G]ieve us, I ca[D]n't really say
What[C]ever the ca[G]lling, the s[C]tumbling or f[G]alling
You f[C]ollow it kn[G]owing there's n[D]o other way, there's no other w[C]ay

[Em]They're Zealots and preachers and r[D]eaders of d[G]reams
[C]The righteous gel o[G]ut of stand, the s[D]afe drives to sin
[Em]The lonely and lost are just w[D]aiting to h[G]ear
Any m[C]oment their pu[G]rpose will be p[D]erfectly clear

And then l[C]ife would mean [G]more, than their n[C]ame on their [G]door
And that f[C]ar distant sh[G]ore that's so [D]near
[C]They'd hear the c[G]alling, the st[C]umbling and f[G]alling
They'd fo[C]llow it kno[G]wing there's no[D]thing to fear, nothing to f[C]ear

[Em]I don't remember a voice on a da[D]rk lonesome r[G]oad
When I s[C]tarted the jo[G]urney s[D]o long ago
[Em]I was only just trying to [D]outrun the n[G]oise
There was ne[C]ver a que[G]stion of ha[D]ving a choice

[C]Jesus to g[G]enius may[C]be they've s[G]een me
But w[C]ho would be[G]lieve me, I ca[D]n't really say
Whate[G]ver the ca[C]lling, the stu[C]mbling and fa[G]lling
I fol[C]lowed it kn[G]owing there's n[D]o other way
[C]Jesus to ge[G]nius, ma[C]ybe He se[G]en me
But w[C]ho would bel[G]ieve me, I c[D]an't really say
Whate[C]ver the c[G]alling, the s[C]tumbling and f[G]alling
I go[C]t through it kn[G]owing there's [D]no other way, there's no other [C]way

[Outro]C G C G C G D x 4

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o

Chord: The Calling - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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