Hợp âm - tab: That Don't Impress Me Much - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: That Don't Impress Me Much - ( "THAT DON'T IMPRESS ME MUCH" Performed by: Shania Twain W...)

Performed by: Shania Twain
Written by: Twain/Lang
Copyright 1997 Mercury Records

I believe the song is actually performed in Bbm, but since I don't own a
capo, I simply tuned my guitar up one half step. If you choose to use
one, these same chord 'shapes' apply but all of the single-note stuff
(leads) must be adjusted accordingly (one fret higher).

Drums and Intro:
[Am] [F] [C][G][Am][F][C][G]
[//] [//] [//][//][//][//][//][//]

------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------
--10--8-10--8-10--8-10-- ------------------------- ----------------------------
------------------------ ------------------------- -------------------(2)------
------------------------ --------3--2----------2-- --------3--2--------2-------
------------------------ --3--5--------5--3--5---- --3--5--------5--3------5---
------------------------ ------------------------- ----------------------------

(Verse 1)
I've k[Am]nown a few g[F]uys who thought t[C]hey were pretty s[G]mart
But yo[Am]u've got being r[F]ight d[C]own to an a[G]rt
you th[Am]ink you're a gen[F]ius - you drive [C]me up the w[G]all
you're a re[Am]gular ori[F]ginal, a k[C]now it a[G]ll

[D]Oh-oo-o[A]h, you th[G]ink you're something special
[D]Oh-oo-o[A]h, you think you're so[G]mething else.

Okay, so you're a rocket scientist

That don't im[F]press me m[C]uch[G][Am]
So you g[F]ot the br[C]ain but have you [G]got the t[Am]ouch
[F]Don't get me wr[C]ong, yeah I t[G]hink you're alr[Am]ight
But t[F]hat won't keep me w[C]arm in the mi[G]ddle of the n[G]ight

That don't impress me much

(Repeat intro)
(Verse 2)
I n[Am]ever knew a g[F]uy who carried a mi[C]rror in his p[G]ocket
And a c[Am]omb up his sl[F]eeve - j[C]ust in c[G]ase
And all that ex[Am]tra hold g[F]el in your h[C]air oughtta l[G]ock it
'Cause h[Am]eaven fo[F]rbid it should f[C]all out of p[G]lace

[D]Oh-oo-o[A]h, you th[G]ink you're special
[D]Oh-oo-o[A]h, you think you're so[G]mething else

Okay, so you're Brad Pitt

That don't imp[F]ress me m[C]uch[G][Am]
So you've g[F]ot the l[C]ooks but have you [G]got the t[Am]ouch
[F]Don't get me wr[C]ong, yeah I th[G]ink you're al[Am]right
But t[F]hat won't keep me w[C]arm in the mi[G]ddle of the n[G]ight

That don't impress me much

(Chords for guitar solo are the same as the verses)
Am F C G (4 times)
[//] [//] [//] [//]


(Verse #4)
You're o[Am]ne of those g[F]uys that like to sh[C]ine his ma[G]chine
You make me t[Am]ake off my s[F]hoes before you l[C]et me get [G]in
[Am]I can't bel[F]ieve you kiss your [C]car at ni[G]ght
[Am]C'mon baby t[F]ell me -[C] you must be jo[G]kin', right?


[D]Oh-oo-o[A]h, you think you're s[G]omething special
[D]Oh-oo-o[A]h, you think you're s[G]omething else

Okay, so you've got a car

That don't imp[F]ress me m[C]uch[G][Am]
So you g[F]ot the mo[C]ves but have you g[G]ot the t[Am]ouch
[F]Don't get me wr[C]ong, yeah I t[G]hink you're al[Am]right
But t[F]hat won't keep me w[C]arm in the mid[G]dle of the n[Am]ight
That don't imp[F]ress me m[C]uch[G][Am]
[F]You think you're co[C]ol but have you g[G]ot the to[Am]uch
[F]Don't get me wro[C]ng, yeah I th[G]ink you're al[Am]right
But th[F]at won't keep me w[C]arm on the l[G]ong, cold, lonely night

That don't impress me much

(repeat intro)

Okay, so what do you think you're Elvis or something...


That don't impress me much

Am F C G Am F C G (Ends on a G)
[/] [/] [//] [/] [/] [//] [/] [/] [//][/][/][/][/]

--------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------
--------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------
--------------------------- --------------------(2)------- ----------------------
--------3----2----------2-- ---------3--2--------2-------- ----------------------
--3--5----------5--3--5---- --3--5---------5--3------5---- ----------------------
--------------------------- ------------------------------ ----------------------

Solo notes

/ bend to note in ( ) \ release ^ hammer

When in Montreal, be sure to check out Station 77 for the best in live
country music as performed by BLACK CANYON! I am in no way affiliated
with either the bar or the band in question, but offer the information
solely for entertainment purposes.

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Am1fr2fr3fr4frxo231o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o

Hợp âm: That Don't Impress Me Much - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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