Hợp âm - tab: Sweet Memories - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Sweet Memories - ( Sweet Memories By Adam Gregory rmofle at satx.rr.com 6/13...)

5 years ago662 Adam Gregory
Sweet Memories
By Adam Gregory
rmofle at satx.rr.com

Capo 3

There's a [G]town by a [G/F#]river
And a [Em]dirt road that [D]runs through the [C]town, [C/B]winding a[Am]round[D]
And As a [G]child I would [G/F#]daydream
Where [Em]that road might [D]take me when [C]my time for l[C/B]eaving came [Am]down[G]
And each [G]night I'd a[G/F#]waken from a [Em]dream I was [C]taking
That old [G]dirt road [D]out of this [G]town

[C]Sweet [D]memories [B]keep [Em]haunting me
[C]Calling me [G]like an old [Am]friend[D]
And [G]I pray that [G/F#]someday
[Em]I'll ride this [C]halfway
'Til it [G]turns to that [D]dirt road a[G]gain

Now I [G]live in [G/F#]city
With [Em]manmade [D]mountains of [C]steel to [C/B]block out the [Am]sky[D]
And that [G]river of [G/F#]traffic
That [Em]runs by my [D]window [C]never [C/B]seems to run [Am]dry[D]
And to[G]night before [G/F#]sleeping I [Em]pray God is [C]keeping
That [G]old place that [D]I left be[G]hind


In the [C]city to[D]night
When I [B]turn out the [Em]light
I'll be [G]riding that old [D]dirt road a[G]gain

Danh sách hợp âm

Hợp âm: Sweet Memories - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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