Chord/Tab song: Sorry

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Sorry - ( Intro: Em , G , A9 2x [Em]Will you li[G]sten to my st[A9...)

4 years ago671 Daughtry
Intro: Em , G , A9 2x

[Em]Will you li[G]sten to my st[A9]ory

Itll just be a minute
[Em] Ho[G]w can I exp[A9]lain
[Em]Whatever ha[G]ppened here n[A9]ever meant to hurt you
[Em]How can I c[G]ause you so m[A9]uch pain

[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D]Will you bel[C]ieve me
[Em]Listen to my sto[G]ry
[D]Say you won[C]t leave me
[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D]Can you forg[C]ive me
[Em]When I say I wil[G]l always be there
[D]Will you bel[C]ieve, will you believe in me

Em , G , A9

[Em]All the wor[G]ds that I com[A9]e up with
[Em]Theyre lik[G]e gasoline on[A9] flames
[Em]Theres no [G]excuse, no ex[A9]planation
Believe me if I co[Em]uld undo wh[G]at I did wrong
I[A9]d give away all that I own

[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D9]Will you [C]believe me
[Em]Listen to my sto[G]ry
[D9]Say you w[C]ont leave me
[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D9]Can you f[C]orgive me
[Em]When I say I wil[G]l always be there
[D9]Will you [C]believe

If I to[C]ld you Ive been [B]cleanin my soul
And If [C]I promise you Il[B]l regain control
Will you o[C]pen your door
And [D9]let me in take me fo[C]r who I am
And not for w[D9]ho Ive been, who Ive been

[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D9]Will you [C]believe me
[Em]Listen to my sto[G]ry
[D9]Say you w[C]ont leave me
[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D9]Can you f[C]orgive me
[Em]When I say I wil[G]l always be there
[D9]Will you [C]believe

[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D9]When I sa[C]y Im sorry
[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D9]When I sa[C]y Im sorry
[Em]When I say Im s[G]orry
[D9]Can you f[C]orgive me
[Em]When I say I wil[G]l always be there
[D9]Will you [C]believe

Chords List

Chord: Sorry - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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