Chord/Tab song: Someplace Else

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Someplace Else - ( I wasn't made [D]for this w[C]orld no[G] [D]I belo[C]ng t...)

5 years ago517 Cheval Sombre
I wasn't made [D]for this w[C]orld no[G]
[D]I belo[C]ng to someplace e[G]lse
[D]Bring me to ro[C]ad, show me a new [G]way
[D]I'll then[C] let you hang [G]around
[D]Pretty da[C]isy call me no[G]w
[D]To a pla[C]ce that I have k[G]nown
[D]The music[C] in the str[G]eet,
[D]All the wa[C]y on [G]
[D]So take me,[C][D]
oh take me, [C]oh[D]
And take me,[C] [D]
and take me[C][D]
If you know [C]to bring me [G]around
T[D]o the gard[C]en in the sk[G]y
[D]Promise I won[C]'t make [G]a sound
[D]Silence with[C] ...[G]
[D]I'm looki[C]ng for a ne[G]w way out
But [D]you won[C]'t listen[G] where you're going
I'[D]m lookin[C]g forward to [G]return
But t[D]he feeli[C]ng's al[G]l I found there
So ta[D]ke me,[C] [D]
oh take me,[C] oh[D]
And take me,[C] [D]
and take me.[C][D]


Chords List

Chord: Someplace Else - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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