Chord/Tab song: Screen Kiss

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Screen Kiss - ( Bm A Em Em/D | [D] A7 x2 (Verse) [Emaj7] Miller [F#6]tim...)

5 years ago820 Thomas Dolby
Bm A Em Em/D | [D] A7 x2

[Emaj7] Miller [F#6]time at the b[G#m]ar w[/F#]here[/G#] all the E[B]nglish [/C#]meet[/D#]
[Emaj7]She used to [F#6]drink in the [G#m]hills [/F#] [/G#] Only [B]now she drinks in the [/C#]vall[/D#]eys
[Emaj7] Where every [F#6]road has a[G#m] name l[/F#]ike [/G#]Beachwood [B]Avenue Or [/C#]so i[/D#]t seems
[Emaj7] A Croyd[F#6]on gi-r[G6]l
[G/A] [Em7]could really hope to find a [Bm7]home
But with a th[Em7]ousand miles of real estate to [A7]choose from[Bm7]
You beg[Em7]in to see the value of your fre[A6]edom
[Emaj7] The moon is[F#6] bright in the [G#m]haze above old Ho[B]llywood[/C#][/D#]
[Emaj7] And d[F#6]eer look down from the[G#m] hills And it's t[B]hree o'clock in t[/C#]he m[/D#]orning
[Emaj7] Pill in h[F#6]and you can h[G#m]ear his golden sur[B]fer boy[/C#]s[/D#]
[Emaj7]Crying out,[F#6][G6]
[G/A]mommy won't come out of the bathroom
[Bm7] And you'd ho[Em7]ped he'd say he's sorry if he [A]hit you
[Bm7] But he's b[Em7]uried in the screenplay of his [A6]feature

[Bm7]Screen kiss, one sc[Em7]reened kiss
[G/A]Straight from a film I forget who was in
[Bm7]Screen kiss, one sc[Em7]reen kiss
B[G/A]lue filter lens, in a pool of Vaseline
But a[D]ll the rushes loo[Bm/D]k the same
Only th[G/D]ere's a movie I wouldn't [D]pay to see again[Bm][Bm7]
[Em7] If it's the one with hi[G/A]m in[Amaj7]

[Emaj7] You an[F#6]d I could be a [G#m]mile a[/F#]bove[/G#] the ear[B]th trem[/C#]ors[/D#]
[Emaj7] Hold to[F#6] me and we'll c[G#m]limb [/F#] [/G#] You could sne[B]ak out [/C#]whil[/D#]e he's sleeping
[Emaj7] Suic[F#6]ide in the h[G#m]ills a[/F#]bove[/G#] old [B]Hollywo[/C#]od[/D#]

[Emaj7]Is never going to[F#6] change the wor[G]ld
C[G/A]hange the world ove[Bm7]rnight
Any m[Em7]ore than th[/D]e invention of the si[G/A]x-gun, child[Bm7]
Any mo[Em7]re than th[/D]e discovery of radiu[A7]m[Bm7]
Or Ca[Em7]lifornia tipping in the ocea[A6]n[/G]

[Bm7]Screen kiss, one sc[Em7]reened k[/D]iss
[G/A]Straight from a [/G]film I fo[/A]rget who was i[/G]n
[Bm7]Screen k[/A]iss, one scre[Em7]en kiss[/D]
B[G/A]lue filter [/G]lens, in a po[/A]ol of Vaseline[/G]
But a[D]ll the rushes loo[Bm/D]k the same
Only th[G/D]ere's a movie I wouldn't [D]pay to see again[Bm][Bm7/A]
[Em7] If it's the one[G/A]
[Em7] with him i[A7]n


Chords List

Chord: Screen Kiss - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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