Hợp âm - tab: Safe - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Safe - ( Hey guys! I LOVE this song! Britt Nicole is an amazing si...)

Hey guys! I LOVE this song! Britt Nicole is an amazing singer and she always has
the best messages in her songs! Hope my tab helps you! Oh, and the Dadd4 in the
song can be played pretty much anyway you want it too. You'll figure it out! :)

[C2] [G2] [Dsus4] [Em7]


Em7 C2 G2 x2

[Verse 1]
[Em7]You keep tryin to g[C2]et inside my h[G2]ead,
While[Em7] i keep trying to l[C2]ose the words you s[G2]aid
[Em7]Can't you see i'm ha[C2]ngin by a th[G2]read,
To my l[C2]ife what i know, yeah i'm l[Dsus4]osing control and

[Em7] Oh [C2]no, m[G2]y walls are [Dsus4]gonna break
[Em7] So cl[C2]ose, [G2]its more tha[Dsus4]n i can take
[Em7] I'm so t[C2]ired of tu[G2]rning and r[Dsus4]unning away
When l[Em7]ove [C2]ju--[G2]st [Dsus4]isn't safe


[Verse 2]
I'm s[Em7]trong enough, I've a[C2]lways told mys[G2]elf
I n[Em7]ever want to n[C2]eed somebody e[G2]lse
But I[Em7]'ve already f[C2]allen from that h[G2]ill,
So i'm dro[C2]ppin my guard here's your c[Dsus4]hance at my heart and

[Em7] Oh [C2]no, m[G2]y walls are [Dsus4]gonna break
[Em7] So cl[C2]ose, [G2]its more tha[Dsus4]n i can take
[Em7] I'm so t[C2]ired of tu[G2]rning and r[Dsus4]unning away
When l[Em7]ove [C2]ju--[G2]st [Dsus4]isn't
Eve[C2]rything you want, but its eve[Dsus4]rything you need
Its not al[C2]ways happy endings but its [Dsus4]hap-py in between
Its t[C2]aken so long, so [Dsus4]long to finally see
That [Em7]your l[C2]ove is [Dsus4]worth the risk

[Em7] Oh [C2]no, m[G2]y walls are [Dsus4]gonna b[Em7]reak [C2][G2][Dsus4]

[Em7] Oh [C2]no, m[G2]y walls are [Dsus4]gonna break
[Em7] So cl[C2]ose, [G2]its more tha[Dsus4]n i can take
[Em7] I'm so t[C2]ired of tu[G2]rning and r[Dsus4]unning away
When l[Em7]ove [C2]ju--[G2]st [Dsus4]isn't safe

[Em7] Oh [C2]no, m[G2]y walls are [Dsus4]gonna break
[Em7] So cl[C2]ose, [G2]its more tha[Dsus4]n i can take
[Em7] I'm so t[C2]ired of tu[G2]rning and r[Dsus4]unning away
When l[Em7]ove [C2]ju--[G2]st [Dsus4]isn't [Em7] safe[C2][G2]

Your not s[Em7]afe [C2][G2]
And that's ok[Em7]ay[C2][G2]

Hope this helped! God Bless! :)

Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Dsus41fr2fr3fr4frxxo134
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em71fr2fr3fr4fro23o4o

Hợp âm: Safe - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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