Chord/Tab song: Revenge

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Revenge - ( There was no chord tab for this song, so I decided to try...)

4 years ago740 Ministry
There was no chord tab for this song, so I decided to try to play it on my
acoustic guitar... here it is, I hope you'll like it ! This is a really easy (and
awesome) song to play !


Note : These chords are based on the bass part I listened to. I think a Gm sounds
better than a G, but with an acoustic guitar you can play a G...

Am : 002210
F : xx3211 (or 133211)
G : 320033 (or 320003) / or Gm : 355333


INTRO : |Am|Am|F|G|


[Am]pushed me off the dirty floor
[F]you watched as my head [G]hit the floor
[Am]you watched as i rolled round and round
[F]you watched as i came [G]tumbling down
[Am]you watched as i rolled down the stairs
[F]you never wished me - [G]fare thee well!
[Am]you watched as i got on my feet
[F]i ran towards her and [G]she started to plead, no!


[Am]ain't got time for what you feel
[F]ain't got time for[G] what you feel
[Am]ain't got time for what you feel
[F]ain't got time for[G] what you feel

[Am]you did it again, you did it again
[F]you did it again and again [G]and again, ho, ho!

(then, that's always the same, keep on : Am... F G...)


far below original sin
far below the state i'm in
far below malicious crimes
far below her for the time
far below
far below
far below is the place you'll go, ho!


ain't got time for what you feel
ain't got time for what you feel
ain't got time for what you feel
ain't got time for what you feel

you did it again
you did it again
you did it again and again and again, ho, ho!


oh went through the window, quiet as a mouse
no sound was stirring throughout the house
i'd heard a noise that made me startle
but i kept on walking down the corridor
yes the corridor
yes the corridor
and there you were with a man once more, no!


ain't got time for what you feel
ain't got time for what you feel
ain't got time for what you feel
ain't got time for what you feel

you did it again
you did it again
you did it again and again and again, ho, ho!

Chords List

Chord: Revenge - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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