Hợp âm - tab: Rebecca Deville - cảm âm - lời bài hát

Cảm âm, tablature, hợp âm, tabs guitar, ukulele, lời bài hát: Rebecca Deville - ( ------------------------------------------------ Rebec...)


Rebecca DeVille - Mason Jennings
tabbed by wantobeready_34@yahoo.com
hosted at birdwingsbeat.com


Intro - G/F# - G (repeat)

Verse 1
[G]Last night the willow stopped [C]weepi[E]ng

and e[C]verything [D]sat hushed and [G]stilled

[G]and while my body l[C]ay sl[E]eeping

I [C]dreamt of Re[D]becca Devi[G]lle

[G]And I wonder if she'[C]s a r[E]eal girl

Or d[C]id she [D]die when I [G]woke

[C]I'll sleep straig[D]ht through 't[E]il tommorow

And [C]look for her [D]until I go b[G]roke

Verse 2 (same chords as above)
I found myself by the highway
That I ride in all my dreams
I met her while I was hitchhiking
From England to New Orleans

She rode shotgun but stayed facing me
And I laid down in the back
I fell in love somewhere near Illinois
And she said she loved me right back

[G]Any[D]body,[G] has [D]anybody seen[G] my little [D]girl [C]around[C/B][C/A]

[G]I last [D]saw her[G], in [D]New orleans,[G] I cant [D]find her [C]now [C/B][C/A]

Verse 3
I stepped into the nearest twilight bar,
to ask if anyone knew
the where abouts of Rebecca Deville
The bartender said that he knew

He said that just a few weeks ago
She hitched a ride out west
With a man said he show her the big time
Said he would show her the best

Verse 4 (this verse could also be sung acapella)

[G]But he stopped the car two miles [C]down the [E]road

And [C]he put a [D]gun to her [G]head

And [C]raped her of [D]all that [E]she ever had

When [C]Rebecca was [D]found she was [G]dead

Verse 5 ('')

And [E]low [C]doesnt even [G]begin

[E]To describe the [C]shape that I am [G]in

But [E]you can [C]dream in both [G]directions

[E]Bring the [C]past back ag[G]ain

[E]So [C]maybe I can [G]find her

[E]Before H[C]eaven goes and [G]hides her

[E]Hope to [C]keep her from [G]going [E]awa[C]y

Bridge - the whole section is on a C chord
(play C - Cmaj7) over the "sweetheart" part)

I saw her again it was a Sunday evening
She had flagged a ride
It was a Lincoln Continental
She was on the passenger side
She had hold of the handle
I said Rebecca don't go, he's not what he seems
I said Rebecca don't go, he's not what he seems
Take my word darling and drop out of this dream
She said "He's going to, the big city"
"And I'm going to, you nkow how that is with me"
I said stop
dont you get in the car
dont you get in the car
cause i wont be coming back
if you get in the back
dont you get in the car
dont you get in the car
cause i wont be coming back
if you get in the back
My sweetheart
My sweetheart

I will just stay away
six years or maybe eight
until I loose your memory
and all that you meant to me
I can't stand to see this
I can't stand to see this
I can't stand to see this
and she got inside, and waved goodbye
and i watched the taillights
dance like candlelights
and they went
"Goodbye, my sweetheart"
"Goodbye, my sweetheart"


Rebecca DeVille - Mason Jennings
tabbed by wantobeready_34@yahoo.com
hosted at birdwingsbeat.com


Danh sách hợp âm
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0G1fr2fr3fr4fr32ooo4
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0C1fr2fr3fr4frx32o1o
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0E1fr2fr3fr4fro231oo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0D1fr2fr3fr4frxoo132
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0B1fr2fr3fr4frx13331
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0A1fr2fr3fr4frxo213o

Hợp âm: Rebecca Deville - cảm âm, tab guitar, ukulele - lời bài hát
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