Chord/Tab song: Paper Cuts

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: Paper Cuts - ( [Intro] [F] [F] [Em] [F] [E5#4] [Verse 1] When I'm f...)

5 years ago1991Bleach (1989) Nirvana

[F] [Em] [F] [E5#4]

[Verse 1]

When I'm feeling tired,[F]
[F] [E5#4]She puts food through the door,
[F] [E5#4]I crawl towards the crack [F]of light,
[F] Some[E5#4]times I can't find my way.
[F] [F] New[E5#4]spapers spread a[F]round,
[F]Soa[E5#4]king all that they can.
[F] [F] [E5#4]A cleaning is due [F]again,
[F] A [E5#4]good hosing down![F][F]

[Bridge 1]


[Pre-Chorus 1]

The lady[E5#4] who I feel mate[E5#4]rnal love for
Canno[E5#4]t look me in [E5#4]the eyes,
But I s[E5#4]ee hers and the[E5#4]y are blue
And they coc[E5#4]k and twist and m[E5#4]asturbate.

[Chorus 1]
[F5]Why[F#5]? [G5] [G#5] [B5] [Bb5] I said[F5] [F#5] [G5] [G#5] [B5]so![Bb5] I said
[F5] [F#5] [G5] [G#5] [B5]so![Bb5] I said[F5] [F#5] [G5] [G#5] [B5]so![Bb5] Nirvana.
[G#5] [G5] Nirvana[B5]. [Bb5] Nirvana.[G#5] [G5] Nirvana.[B5] [Bb5] Nirvana.[G#5] [G5] Nirvana.

[F#5] [F#m] [F#5] [F#m]

[Verse 2]

[F] [F] [E5#4]Black windows of paint.[F]
[F] [E5#4]I scratched with my nails.
[F] [F] I se[E5#4]e others just [F]like me.
[F] [E5#4]Why do they not try to escape?
[F] [F] [E5#4]They bring out the [F]older ones,
[F] T[E5#4]hey point in my way.
[F] [F] T[E5#4]hey come with there fl[F]ashing lights
[F] And tak[E5#4]e my family away.[F][F]

[Bridge 2]


[Pre-Chorus 2]

And very[E5#4] later I [E5#4]have learned
To acc[E5#4]ept some friends of rid[E5#4]icule
My whole[E5#4] existence is for[E5#4] your amusement
And tha[E5#4]t is why I'm her[E5#4]e with you.

[Chorus 2]

[F5] [F#5] [G5] [G#5] [B5] [Bb5] To take[F5] [F#5] [G5] [G#5] [B5] [Bb5] me with
[F5] [F#5] [G5] [G#5] [B5] [Bb5] your life.[F5] [F#5] [G5] [G#5] [B5] [Bb5] Nirvana.
[G#5] [G5] Nirvana.[B5] [Bb5] Nirvana.[G#5] [G5] Nirvana.[B5] [Bb5] Nirvana.
[G#5] [G5] Nirvana.[B5] [Bb5] Nirvana.[G#5] [G5] Nirvana.[B5][Bb5]

[F#5] [F#m] [F#5] [F#m]

Chords List
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F1fr2fr3fr4fr134211
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0Em1fr2fr3fr4fro23ooo
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0F#m1fr2fr3fr4fr134111

Chord: Paper Cuts - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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