Chord/Tab song: North by North

Chord,Tablature, lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele song: North by North - ( Capo 2 [G]North by [Em]north? lest we [C]have to settle ...)

5 years ago1362 Faded Paper Figures
Capo 2

[G]North by [Em]north? lest we [C]have to settle [G]down
[G]we can s[Em]ail without the [C]wind in this [G]town
[G]Things that [Em]London never [C]saw[G]
[G]Northern w[Em]inters start to [C]thaw[G];
To [Em]islands on t[C]he sea,
[G]lands I?ve n[C]ever seen,
[G]things will get [Em]calmer?[C]follow [G]me.

[Am]You said a [G6]long long time ag[C]o
you were [G]happy being someone[Am]
[Am]Let's go [G6]far far far from h[C]ome
I'll be g[G]lad to be with someone

Am, Em, G (x2)

[G]Land pneumon[Em]ia, your [C]engines in rep[G]air;
[G]plant begoni[Em]as, and o[C]rchids in your h[G]air.
[G]Continents all m[Em]ade of c[C]lay[G]
[G]Dreamers leav[Em]ing every d[C]ay
To is[Em]lands on the[C] sea,
[G]lands I?ve n[C]ever seen,
[G]things will get [Em]calmer?[C]follow [G]me.

[G]Someone told [Em]me you had oce[C]ans in your e[G]yes
[G]Cold as shado[Em]ws over Eur[C]opean ski[G]es
[G]Coasting o[Em]ut the s[C]hallow d[G]ay
[G]Leaving Lond[Em]on in dec[C]ay[G]
To isl[Em]ands on the [C]sea,
[G]lands I?ve n[C]ever seen,
[G]things will get [Em]calmer?[C]follow [G]me.

Chords List

Chord: North by North - tab, song lyric, sheet, guitar, ukulele
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